What does the name Silas mean? What is the meaning of the name Silas
Meaning of Silas: Name Silas in the Latin, English origin, means Of the forest. Name Silas is of Latin, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Silas are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Silas (Namesakes)
- Paul Silas
Paul Theron Silas (born July 12, 1943) is an American retired professional basketball player and former NBA head coach.
- James Silas
James Edward Silas (born February 11, 1949) is a retired American professional basketball player, who played the point guard position.
- Silas Weir Mitchell (actor)
Silas Weir Mitchell (born Silas Weir Mitchell Neilson; September 30, 1969) is an American character actor.
- Silas House
Silas Dwane House (born August 7, 1971) is an American writer best known for his novels.
- Sam Silas
Samuel Louis Silas (born September 25, 1940 in Homeland, Florida) is a former American football defensive lineman in the National Football League.
- Silas Malafaia
Silas Lima Malafaia (September 14, 1958 in Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian Pentecostal pastor, author and televangelist, who also has a degree in Psychology.
- Xavier Silas
Xavier James Silas (born January 22, 1988) is an American former professional basketball player and current assistant coach for the Delaware Blue Coats of the NBA G League.
- Silas Redd
Silas Raynard Redd Jr. (born March 1, 1992) is a former American football running back who was signed to play rugby league for the Ipswich Jets in the Australian Intrust Super Cup in 2018.
- Silas Stafford
Silas Stafford (born April 27, 1986) is an American rower.
- Silas Hite
Silas Hite (born March 30, 1980) is an American multi-instrumentalist, composer, record producer, and visual artist.
- Silas Pereira
Paulo Silas do Prado Pereira (born 27 August 1965), simply known as Paulo Silas, is a Brazilian retired footballer, who played as a central midfielder, and is a manager.
- Silas Songani
Silas Dylan Songani (born 28 June 1989) is a Zimbabwean footballer who plays for FC Platinum in the Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League.
- Silas Satonho
Silas Daniel Satonho (born 14 January 1990) is an Angolan footballer who plays as a midfielder for Petro de Luanda.
- Silas Zehnder
- Silas Wamangituka
Silas Wamangituka Fundu (born 6 October 1999) is a Congolese professional footballer who plays as a forward for VfB Stuttgart.
- Bright Silas
Bright Silas (born November 19, 1992 in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria) is a Nigerian professional footballer.
- Silas Câmara
Silas Câmara (born 15 December 1962) is a Brazilian politician and pastor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Silas Numerology: Name Silas has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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