Top Sikh Baby Girl Names Starting With G

Searching for the ideal Sikh baby Girl name starting with G? Explore our curated list of top Sikh baby Girl names that starts with G and find the perfect one for your little one. Use The ParentZ Baby Name Finder to discover Sikh Girl names starting with G, along with their meanings, for your newborn or expected baby.

Sikh Baby Names For Girls Starting With G


The one who like the sky a lot.


In a very pathetic situation.


One who is fascinated by the blissful songs.


Gianleen means One Absorbed in Devine Light. It is both male and a female name and is represented in Sikh religion. The name has Indian origins.


A female name meaning One who Loves the Divine Knwledge. The name has Indian, Sikh origin and is represented in Sikh religion.


They are creative and life enjoying people.They involved in different activities at a time.


They have abilities of leadership.They have great power and wealth and very focused.


They have abilities of leadership.They have great power and wealth and very focused.


They are very passionate,romantic and have magnetic pesonalities.


They are very quick,verstile.They have clever mind to solve all issues.


They love music,arts and drama.They love to do activities all the time.


The Pearl, The beautiful one or the precious one that will be pious and generous.


Greysi name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.


Victory of Virtue


Victory of Virtue


They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion


They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

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