What does the name Sigurd mean? What is the meaning of the name Sigurd
Meaning of Sigurd: Name Sigurd in the Scandinavian origin, means A victorious protectror. Name Sigurd is of Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sigurd are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sigurd (Namesakes)
- Sigurd Rushfeldt
Sigurd Rushfeldt (born 11 December 1972) is a Norwegian football coach and former player.
- Sigurd Osberg
Sigurd Fredrik Osberg (born 31 December 1933) is a retired Norwegian bishop.
- Sigurd Pettersen
Sigurd Pettersen (born 28 February 1980) is a Norwegian former ski jumper.
- Sigurd Wongraven
Satyr (born Sigurd Wongraven on 28 November 1975) is the vocalist, lead and rhythm guitarist, bassist, and keyboardist for the Norwegian black metal band Satyricon.
- Sigurd Dæhli
Sigurd Dæhli (born 6 May 1953) is a Norwegian orienteering competitor.
- Sigurd Brørs
Sigurd Brørs (born 16 July 1968 in Møre og Romsdal) is a Norwegian cross-country skier who competed from 1992 to 1997.
- Sigurd Hofmann
Sigurd Hofmann (born 15 February 1944 in Boehmisch-Kamnitz) is a physicist known for his work on superheavy elements.
- Sigurd Ulveseth
- Sigurd Hille
Sigurd Hille (born 6 May 1950) is a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party.
- Sigurd Haveland
Sigurd Haveland (born 30 March 1964 in Gibraltar) is a Gibraltarian triathlete and cyclist.
- Sigurd Hole
Sigurd Hole (born 13 July 1981 in Elverum, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (upright bass) from Rendalen living in Oslo.
- Sigurd Rosted
Sigurd Rosted (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈrùːstæ]; born 22 July 1994) is a Norwegian football defender who currently plays for Danish Superliga club Brøndby IF and the Norway national team.
- Sigurd Bergmann
Sigurd Bergmann (born 1956 in Hannover) is a German-Swedish theologian and scholar of religion.
- Sigurd Hauso Haugen
Sigurd Hauso Haugen (born 17 July 1997) is a Norwegian footballer who plays for Union SG.
- Sigurd Grønli (footballer)
Sigurd Grønli (born 17 October 2000) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Tromsø.
- Jørn Sigurd Maurud
Jørn Sigurd Maurud (born 8 April 1960) is a Norwegian jurist.
- Sigurd Rydén
Sigurd Rydén (born January 10, 1910; died ?) was a Swedish curler.
He was a 1965 World Men's bronze medallist and a 1965 Swedish men's curling champion.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Sigurd Numerology: Name Sigurd has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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