What does the name Sigrid mean? What is the meaning of the name Sigrid
Meaning of Sigrid: Name Sigrid in the Scandinavian origin, means A beautiful wisdom the victory brings. Name Sigrid is of Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Sigrid are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sigrid (Namesakes)
- Sigrid Halvorsen
Sigrid Halvorsen (born 20 May 1941) is a Norwegian handball player.
- Sigrid Thornton
Sigrid Madeline Thornton (born 12 February 1959) is an Australian film and television actress.
- Sigrid Rausing
Sigrid Maria Elisabet Rausing (born 29 January 1962) is a Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist and publisher.
- Sigrid Agren
- Sigrid Alegría
Sigrid Alegría Conrads (born 18 June 1974) is a Chilean television actress.
- Sigrid Sternebeck
Sigrid Sternebeck (born 19 June 1949) is a German convicted murderer.
- Sigrid Bernson
Sigrid Annamaria Bernson (born 28 December 1988) is a Swedish singer and professional dancer.
- Sigrid Chatel
Sigrid Chatel (born 26 April 1940) is a Canadian fencer.
- Sigrid Goral
Sigrid Goral (born 15 January 1952) is a retired East German swimmer.
- Sigrid Rondelez
Sigrid Rondelez (born March 17, 1971 in Bruges) is a Belgian windsurfer, who specialized in Mistral and Neil Pryde RS:X classes.
- Sigrid Kaag
Sigrid Agnes Maria Kaag (born 2 November 1961) is a Dutch politician and diplomat of the Democrats 66 (D66) party.
- Sigrid Müller
Sigrid Müller (born 2 July 1943) is an Austrian former swimmer.
- Sigrid (singer)
Sigrid Solbakk Raabe (born 5 September 1996) is a Norwegian singer and songwriter.
- Sigrid Borge
Sigrid Borge (born 3 December 1995 in Hausvik) is a Norwegian athlete specialising in the javelin throw.
- Sigrid Smuda
Sigrid Smuda (born 4 February 1960) is a German speed skater.
- Sigrid Terstegge
Sigrid Terstegge (born 3 June 1960) is a German volleyball player.
- Sigrid Burger
Sigrid Burger also simply known as Sigi Burger (born 23 February 1996) is a South African netball player who plays in the positions of goal shooter or goal attack.
- Sigrid Lang
Sigrid Lang (born 4 November 1963) is a German sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sigrid Numerology: Name Sigrid has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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