What does the name Signe mean? What is the meaning of the name Signe
Meaning of Signe: Name Signe in the Swedish, Danish, Scandinavian origin, means To bring victory. Name Signe is of Swedish, Danish, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Signe (Namesakes)
- Signe Wilkinson
Signe Wilkinson (born July 25, 1950, in Wichita Falls, Texas) is an editorial cartoonist best known for her work at the Philadelphia Daily News.
- Liv Signe Navarsete
Liv Signe Hundere Navarsete (born 23 October 1958 in Sogndal) was the Norwegian Minister of Local Government from 2009 to 2013 and has been leader of the Center Party since 2008.
- Signe Ronka
Signe Ronka (born April 23, 1988) is a Latvian Canadian former competitive figure skater.
- Signe J. Pedersen
Signe J. Pedersen (born 7 March 1982) is a Danish former football midfielder who played for OB Odense and Brøndby.
- Signe Baumane
Signe Baumane (born August 7, 1964) is a Latvian animator, fine artist, illustrator and writer, currently living and working in New York City.
- Signe Howell
Signe Lise Howell (born 15 July 1942) is a Norwegian social anthropologist.
- Signe Marie Store
Signe Marie Store (born 23 August 1995) is a Norwegian freestyle wrestler.
- Signe Bro
Signe Bro (born 5 March 1999) is a Danish swimmer.
- Signe Bruun
Signe Kallesøe Bruun (born 6 April 1998) is a Danish professional football player who plays as a striker for Paris Saint-Germain in France's top-division Division 1 Féminine as well as for the Danish national team.
- Signe Førre
Signe Elisabeth Lygre Førre (born 3 May 1994 in Voss, Norway) is a Norwegian singer, upright bassist, and composer.
- Signe Kjelstrup
Signe Helene Kjelstrup (born August 29, 1949) is a Norwegian professor of physical chemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Signe Numerology: Name Signe has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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