What does the name Siegfried mean? What is the meaning of the name Siegfried
Meaning of Siegfried: Name Siegfried in the German origin, means One who won in the name of peace. Name Siegfried is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Siegfried (Namesakes)
- Siegfried Dockner
Siegfried Dockner (born 22 July 1956) is an Austrian biathlete.
- Siegfried Vogel
Siegfried Vogel (born 6 March 1937) is a German operatic bass.
- Siegfried & Roy
Siegfried & Roy were a duo of German-American magicians and entertainers, best known for their appearances with white lions and white tigers.
- Siegfried Jerusalem
Siegfried Jerusalem (born 17 April 1940) is a German operatic tenor.
- Siegfried S. Hecker
Siegfried S. Hecker (born October 2, 1943) is an American metallurgist and nuclear scientist.
- Siegfried Susser
Siegfried Susser (born 12 July 1953) is a German former footballer.
- Siegfried Mehnert
Siegfried Mehnert (born 3 March 1963 in Schenkenberg, Delitzsch, Bezirk Leipzig) is a former amateur boxer from East Germany.
- Siegfried Reich
Siegfried Reich (born 29 September 1959 in Fallersleben) is a retired German football player.
- Siegfried Bracke
Siegfried Theofiel Hortense Bracke (born 21 February 1953) is a Belgian politician and is affiliated to the N-VA. He was elected as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives in 2010.
- Siegfried Bönighausen
Siegfried Bönighausen (born 20 March 1955) is a retired German football midfielder.
- Michael Siegfried
Michael Siegfried (born 18 February 1988) is a retired Swiss professional footballer who played as a defensive midfielder.
- Siegfried Strohbach
Siegfried Strohbach (27 November 1929 - 11 July 2019) was a German composer and conductor.
- Siegfried Springer
Siegfried Springer (born 24 June 1943) is an Austrian modern pentathlete.
- Siegfried Mureșan
Siegfried Mureșan (born September 20, 1981 in Hunedoara, Romania) is a Romanian economist and politician, a Vice-Chair of the European People's Party Group (EPP Group) in the European Parliament and member of the National Liberal Party (PNL).
- Siegfried Hekimi
Siegfried Hekimi (born 5 September 1956) is a Swiss former professional racing cyclist and a professor in the Biology Department of McGill University, specializing in the study of aging.
- Siegfried Fisiihoi
Siegfried Fisi'ihoi (born 8 June 1987) is a Tongan rugby union player.
- Siegfried Cruden
Siegfried Cruden (born 28 November 1959) is a Surinamese sprinter.
- Siegfried Fietz
Siegfried Fietz (German: [ˈziːkfʁiːt ˈfiːts]; born 25 May 1946) is a German singer-songwriter, composer, music producer and sculptor.
- Siegfried Meier
Siegfried Meier (born August 9, 1977) is a musician, record producer, and recording, mixing and mastering engineer.
- Siegfried Radandt
Siegfried Radandt (born 29 September 1937) is a German bobsledder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Siegfried Numerology: Name Siegfried has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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