What does the name Shun mean? What is the meaning of the name Shun
Meaning of Shun: Name Shun in the Japanese origin, means A fast and talented person. Name Shun is of Japanese origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Shun (Namesakes)
- Shun Oguri
Shun Oguri (小栗 旬, Oguri Shun, born December 26, 1982) is a Japanese actor and voice actor, son of stage director Tetsuya Oguri, and the youngest of 3 siblings, including older brother Ryo, who is also an actor.
- LaShun Pace
Tarrian LaShun Pace (born September 7, 1961), sometimes credited as LaShun Pace–Rhodes or Shun Pace–Rhodes, is an American gospel singer–songwriter.
- Shun Nagasawa
Shun Nagasawa (長沢 駿, Nagasawa Shun, born 25 August 1988 in Shizuoka) is a Japanese professional football player currently playing for J1 League team Vegalta Sendai.
- Shun Medoruma
Shun Medoruma (目取真 俊, Medoruma Shun, born 10 October 1960) is a Japanese writer, who, along with Ōshiro Tatsuhiro, Sakiyama Tami, and Matayoshi Eiki, is one of the most important contemporary writers from Okinawa, Japan.
- Shun Sugata
Shun Sugata (菅田 俊, Sugata Shun, born February 17, 1955) is a Japanese actor.
- Shun Yamaguchi
Shun Yamaguchi (山口 俊, Yamaguchi Shun, born July 11, 1987) is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Shun Ito
Shun Ito (伊東 俊, Itō Shun, born October 29, 1987 in Hokkaidō) is a Japanese football player currently playing for Roasso Kumamoto.
- Wang Shun
Wang Shun (Chinese: 汪顺; born 11 February 1994) is a Chinese competitive swimmer.
- Shun Miyazato
Shun Miyazato (宮里駿, Miyazato Shun, born October 4, 1992) is a Japanese male actor and voice actor who is affiliated with Himawari Theatre Group.
- Shun Shioya
Shun Shioya (塩谷 瞬, born June 7, 1982 in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese actor.
- Shun Obu
Shun Obu (大武 峻, Ōbu Shun, born 24 November 1992 in Chikuzen, Fukuoka, Japan) is a Japanese footballer who since 2014 has played defender for Albirex Niigata.
- Shun Nishime
Shun Nishime (西銘 駿, Nishime Shun, born February 20, 1998, in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese model and actor who is represented by the talent agency Oscar Promotion.
- Shun Ng
Shun Ng (born May 24, 1990) is a fingerstyle guitarist, singer and songwriter known for his flamboyant guitar style and energetic performances.
- Er Shun
Er Shun − is a female giant panda, born at the Chongqing Zoo.
- Shun Aso
- Yu An-shun
Yu An-shun (born 5 November 1967) is a Taiwanese actor.
- Shun Horie
Shun Horie (堀江 瞬, Horie Shun, born May 25, 1993) is a Japanese voice actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Shun Numerology: Name Shun has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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