What does the name Shoaib mean? What is the meaning of the name Shoaib?
Meaning of Shoaib: Name Shoaib means The name used by the Prophet. Name Shoaib is a Boy name. People with name Shoaib are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Shoaib (Namesakes)
- Shoaib Nasir
- Shoaib Shaikh
Shoaib Shabbir Shaikh (born 18 January 1987) is an Indian cricketer who plays for Mumbai cricket team in List A and Twenty20 formats.
- Shoaib Khaliq
Mohammad Shoaib Khaliq (born 20 April 1991) is a Pakistani cricketer who has played for Islamabad in Pakistani domestic cricket.
- Shoaib Khan
Shoaib Khan (born April 13, 1985 in Bostan) is a left-handed Pakistani batsman who plays for Quetta Bears and played four international Twenty20 matches for Pakistan in the Al-Barkah Twenty20 Tournament.
- Shoaib Ahmed Sheikh
Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh (born April 17, 1971) is a Pakistani-Kittitian businessman, fraudster and money launderer who founded diploma mill company Axact.
He was arrested on May 19, 2015 after the May 17th edition of The New York Times published an in-depth report exposing the fake degree business.
- Shoaib Aamer
Shoaib Aamer (born 3 January 1968) is a Pakistani former cricketer.
- Shoaib Md Khan
Shoaib Md Khan (born 1 September 1991) is an Indian cricketer.
- Shoaib Malik
Shoaib Malik (Punjabi, Urdu: شعیب ملک; born 1 February 1982) is a Pakistani cricketer who plays for the Pakistan national cricket team and Peshawar Zalmi in the Pakistan Super League (PSL).
- Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar (pronunciation ; born 13 August 1975) is a Pakistani cricket commentator, YouTuber, and former cricketer who played all formats of the game over a fourteen year career.
- Shoaib Sarwar
Shoaib Sarwar (born 15 October 1986) is a United Arab Emirates cricketer.
- Syed Shoaib Ahmed
Syed Shoaib Ahmed (born 11 July 1996) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as a striker for ARA FC in the I-League 2nd Division.
- Shoaib Laghari
- Shoaib Mansoor
Shoaib Mansoor, (Urdu: شعیب منصور; born 19 April 1952) is a Pakistani television and film director, writer, producer, lyricist and musician.
- Mohd Shoaib Hassan
Mohd Shoaib Hassan (Urdu: محمد شعیب حسن; born May 27, 1990 in Lahore) is a professional squash player who represented Pakistan.
- Shoaib Ahmed (businessman)
Shoaib Ahmed (born 3 May 1964) is an Indian Software Evangelist.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Shoaib Numerology: Name Shoaib has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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