What does the name Sharman mean? What is the meaning of the name Sharman
Meaning of Sharman: Name Sharman in the English origin, means A free woman with many charms ; Joy; Delight; Shelter. Name Sharman is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Sharman are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Sharman: A free woman with many charms ; Joy; Delight; Shelter
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Famous people with name Sharman (Namesakes)
- Helen Sharman
Helen Patricia Sharman, CMG, OBE, HonFRSC (born 30 May 1963) is a chemist who became the first British astronaut (and in particular, the first British cosmonaut) as well as the first woman to visit the Mir space station in May 1991.
- Sharman Macdonald
Sharman Macdonald (born 8 February 1951) is a Scottish playwright, screenwriter, and actress.
- Sharman Joshi
Sharman Joshi (born 28 April 1972) is an Indian film and theatre actor.
- Jim Sharman
James David Sharman (born 12 March 1945) is an Australian director and writer for film and stage with more than 70 productions to his credit.
- Sharman DiVono
Sharman DiVono is a science fiction novelist, short story writer, comics writer, and television writer.
- Lucy Tyler-Sharman
Lucy Tyler-Sharman (born Lucy Tyler, in Louisville, Kentucky on 6 June 1965) is an Australian Olympic and World Champion cyclist.
As a junior, Tyler was a gifted sportswoman, focussing on swimming at junior high school and later triathlons.
- Robin Sharman
Robin Sharman (born 8 December 1979) is an English road racing cyclist and coach from Repton, Derbyshire.
- Brett Sharman
Brett Sharman (born 18 January 1987) is a professional South African rugby footballer.
- William Sharman
William "Will" Sharman (born 12 September 1984) is a British athlete who specialises in the 110 metres hurdles.
- Almaz Sharman
Almaz Sharman (born January 1, 1960) is the President of the Academy of Preventive Medicine of Kazakhstan and the co-founder of HealthCity network of clinics.
- Daniel Sharman
Daniel Andrew Sharman (born 25 April 1986) is an English actor.
- Baden Sharman
Baden Sharman (born 11 August 1939) is an Australian former cricketer.
- Graham Sharman
Graham John Sharman (born 30 May 1938) is an English former first-class cricketer and squash player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Sharman Numerology: Name Sharman has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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