What does the name Shari mean? What is the meaning of the name Shari
Meaning of Shari: Name Shari in the Hebrew, Hungarian origin, means Arrow. Name Shari is of Hebrew, Hungarian origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Shari (Namesakes)
- Shari Arison
Shari Arison (Hebrew: שרי אריסון; born (1957-09-09)September 9, 1957) is an American-born Israeli businesswoman and philanthropist, and Israel's wealthiest woman.
- Shari Ulrich
Sharon "Shari" Ulrich (born 17 October 1951) is a Canadian/American musician and songwriter.
- Shari Belafonte
Shari Lynn Belafonte (born September 22, 1954) is an American actress, model, writer and singer.
- Shari Eubank
Shari Eubank (born June 12, 1947) is a retired American actress, best known for her starring role in the Russ Meyer film Supervixens.
- Himalay
- Shari Shattuck
Shari Shattuck (born November 18, 1960) is an American actress and author.
- Shari Redstone
Shari Ellin Redstone (born April 14, 1954) is an American media executive with a background in numerous aspects of the entertainment industry and related ventures.
- Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini
Shari Springer Berman (born July 13, 1963) and Robert Pulcini (born August 24, 1964) are an American team of filmmakers who received critical acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for their 2003 film American Splendor.
- Shari Karney
Shari Lynn Karney (born February 1, 1952) is an American attorney, incest-survivor activist, and bar exam test preparation company owner.
- Shari Sebbens
Shari Sebbens (born 22 April 1985) is an Aboriginal Australian actress, most famous for her debut film role in The Sapphires.
- Amirudin Shari
Dato' Seri Amirudin bin Shari is a Malaysian politician and currently serves as the Menteri Besar of Selangor and the State Assemblyman for Sungai Tua.
Prior to the 2018 Malaysian general election, he was the Selangor State assemblyman for Batu Caves.
- Shari Addison
Shari Ann Addison (born July 7, 1962), is an American gospel musician and artist.
- Shari Bossuyt
Shari Bossuyt (born 5 September 2000) is a Belgian professional racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's Continental Team NXTG Racing.
Do you know any famous people named Shari, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Shari Numerology: Name Shari has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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