What does the name Shani mean? What is the meaning of the name Shani
Meaning of Shani: Name Shani in the Egyptian, Hebrew origin, means A wonderful woman. Name Shani is of Egyptian, Hebrew origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Shani (Namesakes)
- Shani Davis
Shani Earl Davis (; born August 13, 1982) is an American former speed skater.
At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, Davis became the first African American athlete to win a gold medal in an individual event at the Olympic Winter Games, winning the speedskating 1000 meter event.
- Shani Wallis
Shani Wallis (born 14 April 1933) is a British-American actress and singer, who has worked in theatre, film, and television in both her native United Kingdom and in the United States.
- Shani Hazan
Shani Hazan (Hebrew: שני חזן; born September 15, 1992) is an Israeli beauty pageant titleholder.
- Shani Tarashaj
Shani Tarashaj (born 7 February 1995) is a Swiss professional footballer who plays as a forward for FC Emmen on loan from Everton.
- Shani Bloch
Shani Bloch, also known as Shani Bloch-Davidov (Hebrew: שני בלוך; born 6 March 1979) is an Israeli racing cyclist.
Bloch is the first Israeli road cyclist to compete in the Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale, Giro d'Italia Femminile, and Road World Championships, and the first Israeli road cyclist to compete in the Olympic Games since 1960.
- Shani David
Shani David (Hebrew: שני דוד; born July 6, 1991) is an Israeli football defender, currently playing for Maccabi Kishronot Hadera.
- Shani Kedmi
Shani Kedmi (שני קדמי; born July 20, 1977) is an Israeli former Olympic competitive sailor.
She was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is Jewish.
- Lady Shani
Lady Shani (born March 2, 1993) is the ring name of a Mexican luchadora enmascarada, or masked professional wrestler, currently under contract with Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide.
- Shani Waugh
Shani Waugh (born 2 September 1969) is an Australian professional golfer.
- Shani Davis
Shani Earl Davis (; born August 13, 1982) is an American former speed skater.
At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, Davis became the first African American athlete to win a gold medal in an individual event at the Olympic Winter Games, winning the speedskating 1000 meter event.
- Shani Wallis
Shani Wallis (born 14 April 1933) is a British-American actress and singer, who has worked in theatre, film, and television in both her native United Kingdom and in the United States.
- Shani Hazan
Shani Hazan (Hebrew: שני חזן; born September 15, 1992) is an Israeli beauty pageant titleholder.
- Shani Tarashaj
Shani Tarashaj (born 7 February 1995) is a Swiss professional footballer who plays as a forward for FC Emmen on loan from Everton.
- Shani Bloch
Shani Bloch, also known as Shani Bloch-Davidov (Hebrew: שני בלוך; born 6 March 1979) is an Israeli racing cyclist.
Bloch is the first Israeli road cyclist to compete in the Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale, Giro d'Italia Femminile, and Road World Championships, and the first Israeli road cyclist to compete in the Olympic Games since 1960.
- Shani David
Shani David (Hebrew: שני דוד; born July 6, 1991) is an Israeli football defender, currently playing for Maccabi Kishronot Hadera.
- Shani Kedmi
Shani Kedmi (שני קדמי; born July 20, 1977) is an Israeli former Olympic competitive sailor.
She was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is Jewish.
- Lady Shani
Lady Shani (born March 2, 1993) is the ring name of a Mexican luchadora enmascarada, or masked professional wrestler, currently under contract with Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide.
- Shani Waugh
Shani Waugh (born 2 September 1969) is an Australian professional golfer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Shani Numerology: Name Shani has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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