What does the name Shana mean? What is the meaning of the name Shana
Meaning of Shana: Name Shana in the Yiddish origin, means Beautiful. Name Shana is of Yiddish origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Shana (Namesakes)
- Elia Nabil Shana
Elia Nabil Shana (born 2 March 1958) is a Syrian footballer.
- Ruman Shana
MD Ruman Shana (born 8 June 1995) is a Bangladeshi archer.
- Shana Van Glabeke
Shana Van Glabeke (born 28 September 1993) is a Belgian professional racing cyclist.
- Shana Swash
Shana Frances Swash (born 28 July 1990) is an English actress, and the sister of actor and TV presenter Joe Swash.
- Shana Hiatt
Shana Hiatt (born 17 December 1975) is an American model and presenter who has appeared in several magazines.
- Shana Morrison
Shana Caledonia Morrison (born April 7, 1970) is an Irish-American singer-songwriter and the daughter of Northern Irish singer-songwriter, Van Morrison, and his ex-wife, Janet Rigsbee Minto.
- Shana (singer)
Shana Petrone (born May 8, 1972, Park Ridge, Illinois) was raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is an American singer of country, freestyle, and dance music.
- Shana Halligan
Shana Halligan (born October 11, 1973) is a singer, songwriter, and composer based out of Los Angeles, California best known for her work as the former vocalist for the trip-hop act Bitter:Sweet.
- Shana Zadrick
Shana Zadrick (born February 14, 1969) is an American model.
- Shana Madoff
Shana Diane Madoff, sometimes referred to as Shana Madoff Skoller Swanson, (born December 8, 1967) is an American attorney who is now a yoga teacher.
She is the daughter of Peter Madoff, and a niece of Bernard Madoff, who employed her as a compliance officer and attorney at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities (BLMIS) from 1995 until 2008.
- Shana Woods
Shana Woods (born July 7, 1988 in Bellflower, California) is an American track and field athlete.
- Shana Feste
Shana Feste (born August 28, 1975) is an American film director and screenwriter.
- Shana Moulton
Shana Moulton is a New York based media artist who explores contemporary anxieties through her filmic alter ego, Cynthia.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Shana Numerology: Name Shana has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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