What does the name Shaker mean? What is the meaning of the name Shaker?
Meaning of Shaker: Name Shaker in the Arabic origin, means One who is grateful. Name Shaker is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Shaker (Namesakes)
- Shaker Al-Shujaa
Shaker Al-Shujaa is an arabian football Goalkeeper who played for Saudi Arabia in the 1992 Asian Cup.
- Shaker Aamer
Shaker Aamer (born 21 December 1966) is a Saudi citizen who was held by the United States in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba for more than thirteen years without charge.
Aamer was seized in Afghanistan by bounty hunters, who handed him over to US forces in December 2001 during the United States military operation in the country.
- Fadl Shaker
Fadel Abdul Rahman Shamander Shaker (Arabic: فضل عبد الرحمن شاكر Arabic pronunciation: [fadˤl ʕabdurraħmaːn ʃamandar]) better known as Fadel Chaker (Arabic: فضل شاكر Arabic pronunciation: [fadˤl ʃaːkɪr]; born 1 April 1969) is a Lebanese singer & Palestinian Descent.
- Hany Shaker
Hany Shaker (Arabic: هانى شاكر, IPA: [ˈhæːni ˈʃæːkeɾ]; born December 21, 1952 in Cairo) is an Egyptian singer, actor and composer.
- Salam Shaker
Salam Shaker Ali Dad (Arabic: سلام شاكر علي داد , born 31 July 1986) is an Iraqi former professional footballer of Feyli descent who plays for Al-Talaba.
- Nadhim Shaker
Nadhim Shaker Salim (born 18 December 1958) is a former Iraqi football player and last coached Erbil.
- Samir Shaker
Samir Shaker Mahmoud (born 28 February 1958) is an Iraqi football defender who played for Iraq in the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
- Shaker Mahmoud
Shaker Mahmoud Hamza (born 5 May 1960) is an Iraqi football midfielder who played for Iraq in the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
- Elnaz Shakerdoost
Elnaz Shakerdoost (, born June 27, 1984 in Tehran) is an Iranian actress, designer and model.
- Shaker Ismail
Shaker Ismail (Arabic: شاكر إسماعيل , born 1927) is a former international Iraqi football player, who was one of the first players to play in first Iraq national football team, he also played for Al-Minaa.
- Mohammed Ali Shaker
Mohammed Ali Shaker (Arabic: محمد علي شاكر ; born 27 April 1997), known as Mohammed Shaker, is an Emirati footballer who plays for the United Arab Emirates national football team and Al Ain FC as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Shaker Numerology: Name Shaker has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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