What does the name Shahzad mean? What is the meaning of the name Shahzad
Meaning of Shahzad: Name Shahzad means A man who is a King. Name Shahzad is a Boy name. People with name Shahzad are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Shahzad (Namesakes)
- Ajmal Shahzad
Ajmal Shahzad (born 27 July 1985) is an English cricket coach and retired cricketer.
- Shahzad Khan
Shahzad Khan (born February 20, 1981) is a Canadian cricketer.
- Mohammad Shahzad
Mohammad Shahzad Mohammadi (Pashto: محمد شهزاد محمدي; born 31 January 1988) is an Afghan cricketer who is a right-handed opening batsman who plays primarily as a wicketkeeper.
- Faisal Shahzad
Faisal Shahzad (Urdu: فیصل شہزاد; born June 30, 1979) is a Pakistani-American citizen who was arrested for the attempted May 1, 2010, Times Square car bombing.
- Shahzad Hasan
Shahzad Hasan (also known as Shahi Hasan), is a Pakistani musician, record producer, occasional actor, bass guitarist, backing vocalist and music industry executive.
- Kamran Shahzad
Kamran Shahzad (born 15 April 1984) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Shahzad Ahmed
Shahzad Ahmed (born 10 October 1978) is a Bahraini cricketer.
- Shahzad Noor
Shahzad Noor (born 21 June 1987) is a Pakistani model and actor.
- Omer Shahzad
Omer Shahzad is a Pakistani model, actor and singer who started his career in 2011, and has since established himself as one of the country's top models and actors.
- Muhammad Shahzad
Muhammad Shahzad (born (1990-07-04)4 July 1990) is a Pakistani male weightlifter, competing in the 56 kg category and representing Pakistan at international competitions.
- Shahzad Munshi
Shahzad Munshi is a Pakistani politician who was a Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, from May 2013 to May 2018.
- Zia Shahzad
Zia Shahzad (born 18 June 1996) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Khurram Shahzad (Pakistani cricketer)
Khurram Shahzad (born 25 September 1993) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Shahzad Ali
Shahzad Ali (born 14 July 1987) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Ashtak
- Ashrith
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Shahzad Numerology: Name Shahzad has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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