What does the name Shahid mean? What is the meaning of the name Shahid?
Meaning of Shahid: Name Shahid means A martyr. Name Shahid is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Shahid (Namesakes)
- Shahid Afridi
Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi (Urdu: شاہد افریدی; Pashto: شاهد افریدی; born 1 March 1975), popularly known as Boom Boom, is a Pakistani international cricketer, former captain of the Pakistan national cricket team.
- Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor (pronounced [ʃaːɦɪd̪ kəˈpuːr]; born 25 February 1981), is an Indian actor who appears in Hindi films.
- Shahid Malik
Shahid Rafique Malik (Urdu: شاہد رفیق ملک نے; born 24 November 1967) is a British Labour Party politician, a Chairman in the Technology, Media and Telecom Sector, a Visiting Professor and Chair and Adviser to a number of non-profit organisations.
- Shahid Parvez
Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan (commonly known as Shahid Parvez, born 14 October 1958) is an Indian classical sitar player from the Imdadkhani gharana.
- Shahid Masood
Shahid Masood (Urdu: شاہد مسعود ), is a Pakistani columnist and political analyst who used to host the talk show Live with Dr.
- Shaan Shahid
Armaghan Shahid (Urdu: ارمُغان شاہِد ; born 27 April 1971), better known by his stage names Shaan Shahid (Urdu: شان شاہِد ) and Shaan, is a Pakistani actor, producer, model, writer and a film director.
- Shahid Nazir
- For the Pakistani-British music artist, see Shahid Nazir (music artist).
Shahid Nazir (Urdu: شاہد نذیر) (born 4 December 1977, Faisalabad, Punjab) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Shahid Siddiqui
Shahid Siddiqui is a former member of the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the Indian Parliament representing the state of Uttar Pradesh from 2002 to 2008.
- Shahid Yousuf
Shahid Yousuf (born 15 June 1986) is a Pakistani cricketer for Lahore.
- Shahid Khan
Shahid "Shad" Khan (Urdu: شاہد خان; born July 18, 1950), is a Pakistani American billionaire businessman.
- Shahid Iqbal
Vice Admiral Shahid Iqbal (Urdu:شاہد اقبال ; b.
- Haroon Shahid
Haroon Shahid is a Pakistani singer-songwriter, music composer and actor.
- Chovvakkaran Shahid
- Ismail Shahid
Ismail Shahid (born August 17, 1955 in Utmanzai village of Charsadda, KPK, Pakistan) is a Pakistani actor and comedian.
In July 2016, he released two tele-films for Eid, Buda Kaka and Roond, Kunr ao Chaara.
- Shahid Nawaz
Shahid Nawaz (born 26 August 1970) is a Pakistani former cricketer.
- Shahid Hussain
Shahid Hussain (born 29 December 1970) is a Pakistani former cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Shahid Numerology: Name Shahid has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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