What does the name Shahar mean? What is the meaning of the name Shahar
Meaning of Shahar: Name Shahar in the Arabic origin, means One who is lit by the Moon. Name Shahar is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Shahar (Namesakes)
- Shahar Pe'er
Shahar Pe'er (Hebrew: שחר פאר, pronounced [ˈʃaχaʁ peˈʔeʁ]; born May 1, 1987) is an Israeli retired tennis player.
Pe'er won five singles and three doubles titles on the WTA Tour, as well as four singles and three doubles titles on the ITF circuit in her career.
- Ya'akov Shahar
Ya'akov Shahar (Hebrew: יעקב שחר; born 1941) is an Israeli businessman best known for his ownership of Maccabi Haifa F.C..
- Shahar Tzuberi
Shahar Tzuberi (or Zubari, Hebrew: שחר צוברי; born September 1, 1986) is an Israeli windsurfer and Olympic bronze medalist, surfing in the "Neil Pryde" RS:X discipline.
- Shahar Ginanjar
Shahar Ginanjar (born November 4, 1990 in Purwakarta) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Persija Jakarta.
- Shahar Hirsh
Shahar Hirsh (Hebrew: שחר הירש; born 13 February 1993) is an Israeli footballer who plays as a Forward for Hapoel Tel Aviv.
- Shahar Balilti
Shahar Balilti (Hebrew: שחר בלילטי; born 20 March 1990) is an Israeli football forward.
- Shahar Biran
Shahar Biran (Hebrew: שחר בירן; born 13 September 1998) is an Israeli tennis player.
- Shahar Nakav
Shahar Nakav (or Sahar, Hebrew: שחר נקב; born 12 April 1997) is an Israeli footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Israel women's national team.
- Ohad Shahar
Ohad Shahar (Hebrew: אוהד שחר; born October 30, 1957) is an Israeli actor and voice actor.
- Mohd Shahar Abdullah
Mohd Shahar bin Abdullah (Jawi محمد شاهر عبدالله; born (15 January 1970) is a Malaysian politician.
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Hasta Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Shahar Numerology: Name Shahar has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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