What does the name Shahab mean? What is the meaning of the name Shahab?
Meaning of Shahab: Name Shahab in the Arabic origin, means One who is like a shooting star or a metheor. Name Shahab is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Shahab (Namesakes)
- Mohammad Shahabuddin
Mohammad Shahabuddin (born 10 May 1967) is a former Indian Member of Parliament elected from the Siwan constituency in the state of Bihar.
- Shahab Hosseini
Seyyed Shahab Hosseini (Persian: سید شهاب حسینی, born 3 February 1974) is an Iranian actor and director.
- Shahab Gordan
Shahabeddin Gordan (Persian: شهاب گردان, born May 22, 1984 in Jooybar, Iran) is an Iranian Football Goalkeeper who currently plays for Sanat Naft in the Persian Gulf Pro League and the Iran national football team.
- Terry Shahab
Terryana Fatiah Shahab (born June 18, 1984) better known as Terry Shahab or Terry is an Indonesian singer.
- Ahmed Shahab
Ahmed Shahab (born 1 May 1969) is a Pakistani cricket umpire.
- Shahab Basharat
- Shahab Tiam
Shahab Tiam (Persian: شهاب تیام; born February 3, 1981) is an Iranian musical artist known as a singer and composer in America and the Middle East.
- Yasmine Zaki Shahab
Professor Yasmine Zaki Shahab, S.S.,M.A., Ph.D. (Arabic: ياسمين زكي شهاب, romanized: Yāsmīn Zakī Šahāb; Arabic pronunciation: [ja:smi:n zakiː ʃahaːb]; born 1 December 1948) is an Indonesian anthropologist.
- Umay Shahab
Muhammad Arfiza Shahab or better known as Umay Shahab (born February 16, 2001) is an Indonesian actor, singer, presenter and model.
- Nafisah Ahmad Zen Shahab
Nafisah Ahmad Zen Shahab (Arabic: نفیسه أحمد زين شهاب, romanized: Nafīsah ʾAḥmad Zayn Šahāb; Arabic pronunciation: [nafiːsah ˈ(ʔ)aħmad zajn ʃahaːb]; born August 1, 1946) is an Indonesian batik trader from Palembang, South Sumatra.
- Md. Shahab Uddin
- Hana Hasanah Shahab
Hana Hasanah Shahab (Arabic: هناء حسنة شهاب, romanized: Hanā’ Ḥasanah Šahāb, Arabic pronunciation: [hanaːʔ ħasanah ʃahaːb], or also known as Hana Hasanah Fadel Muhammad after marrying the politician Fadel Muhammad; born September 1, 1969) is an Indonesian politician and socialite who had served as an Indonesian senator from Gorontalo (member of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia) from 2009–2014.
- Alwi Shahab
Alwi Shahab (Arabic: علوي شهاب, romanized: ʻAlwī Šihāb; born August 31, 1936) is an Indonesian journalist who observes Jakarta's socio-cultural problems.
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Hasta Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Shahab Numerology: Name Shahab has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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