What does the name Shafi mean? What is the meaning of the name Shafi?
Meaning of Shafi: Name Shafi in the Indian origin, means Raham dil. Name Shafi is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Shafi (Namesakes)
- Amer Shafi
Amer Shafi (Arabic: عامر شفيع; born 14 February 1982) is a Jordanian footballer who plays as goalkeeper for Al-Fayha and the Jordan national football team.
- Shafi Hadi
Shafi Hadi (born Curtis Porter, 21 September 1929) is an American jazz tenor and alto saxophonist known for his recordings with Charles Mingus and with Hank Mobley.
- Shafi ur Rahman
Justice Shafi ur Rahman (born 16 February 1929) was one of the longest serving judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan.
- Ahmed Mubarak Al Shafi
Ahmed Mubarak H.S. Al Shafi (أحمد مبارك آل شافي) (or spelled as Ahmad) (born 21 October 1974) is a former Qatari footballer.
- Shafi (director)
Rasheed M. H., better known by his stage name Shafi is an Indian film director who works in Malayalam cinema, best known for directing comedy films.
- Meesha Shafi
Meesha Shafi (born 1 December 1981) is a Pakistani actress, model and a singer.
Shafi made her film debut with a supporting role in the 2013 Mira Nair's film The Reluctant Fundamentalist.
- Shafi Al-Dossari
Shafi Al-Dossari (born 1 February 1990) is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a left back .
- Shafi (actor)
Shafi (Telugu: షఫీ) is an Indian film actor known for his works in Telugu cinema, Tamil cinema, and Hindi cinema.
- Muhammad Shafi (cyclist)
Muhammad Shafi (born 15 June 1933) is a former Pakistani cyclist.
- Kashif Shafi
- Shafi Parambil
Shafi Parambil (born 12 February 1983 in Pattambi) is a member of 14th Kerala Legislative Assembly.
- Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui
Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui (born 12 August 1965) has been Justice of the Sindh High Court since 20 March 2012.
- Mohammad Shafi (politician)
Mohammad Shafi is a member of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly.
- Mushtari Shafi
Begum Mushtari Shafi (born 15 January 1938) is a Bangladeshi writer, entrepreneur, woman leader and social organizer.
Do you know any famous people named Shafi, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Shafi Numerology: Name Shafi has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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