What does the name Severino mean? What is the meaning of the name Severino
Meaning of Severino: Name Severino in the Latin, Italian origin, means He who is rigid. Name Severino is of Latin, Italian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Severino (Namesakes)
- Severino Poletto
Severino Poletto (born 18 March 1933) is an Italian cardinal of the Catholic Church who served as Archbishop of Turin from 1999 to 2010.
- Severino Reija
Severino Reija Vázquez (born 25 November 1938 in Lugo, Galicia) is a former footballer from Spain who played as a defender.
- Lucas Severino
Lucas Severino (born 3 January 1979 in Ribeirão Preto), commonly known as Lucas, is a former Brazilian football player.
- Isabelle Severino
Isabelle Severino (born 9 April 1980) is a French gymnast and actress from Montmorency, Paris, France.
- Howie Severino
Horacio "Howie" Gorospe Severino (born July 18, 1961) is a Filipino broadcast journalist best known for his work with the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, the Probe Team, and the GMA Network.
- Severino Jefferson
Severino Jefferson (born 29 October 1985) is a Brazilian professional footballer who last played in Canada for the Montreal Impact.
- Severino Lima de Moura
Severino Lima de Moura (born May 17, 1986 in Rio de Janeiro) is a retired Brazilian footballer who last played for Icasa in Campeonato Brasileiro Série C.
- Atahualpa Severino
Atahualpa O. Severino (born November 6, 1984) is a Dominican professional baseball pitcher who is currently a free agent.
- Severino Lojodice
Severino Lojodice (born 25 October 1933 in Milan) is a retired Italian professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Wilson Severino
Wilson del Valle Severino (born February 25, 1980 in Río Cuarto, Córdoba Province) is an Argentine former footballer.
- Paul Severino
Paul Severino (born October 5, 1983) is an American sportscaster and studio host appearing across MLB Network's programming, including MLB Tonight, MLB Network's Emmy Award-winning daily studio show.
- Paola Severino
Paola Severino (born 22 October 1948) was Italy's minister of justice in the Monti cabinet from November 2011 to April 2013.
- Severino Andreoli
Severino Andreoli (born 8 January 1941) is a retired Italian road cyclist.
- Severino Bernardini
Severino Bernardini (Domodossola, 31 March 1966) is a former Italian long-distance runner who specialized in the marathon race.
- Luis Severino
Luis Severino (born February 20, 1994) is a Dominican professional baseball pitcher for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Pedro Severino
Pedro Severino De León (born July 20, 1993) is a Dominican professional baseball catcher for the Baltimore Orioles of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Severino González
Severino Yunier González (born September 28, 1992) is a Panamanian professional baseball pitcher who is currently a free agent.
- Severino Requejo
Severino Requejo (born 5 September 1941) is a Spanish former sports shooter.
- Sander Severino
Sander Severino is a Filipino chess player who has participated at the 2018 Asian Para Games.
- Severino Aguilar
Severino Aguilar Fruto (born 8 July 1936) is a Panamanian wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Severino Numerology: Name Severino has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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