What does the name Severin mean? What is the meaning of the name Severin
Meaning of Severin: Name Severin in the Latin, French, German origin, means A severe, harsh person. Name Severin is of Latin, French, German origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Severin (Namesakes)
- Steven Severin
Steven Severin (born Steven John Bailey, 25 September 1955, Highgate, London), is an English musician, composer, bassist, producer and co-founding member of Siouxsie and the Banshees.
- Scott Severin
Scott Derek Severin (born 15 February 1979 in Stirling) is a Scottish former professional footballer.
- Adrian Severin
Adrian Severin (born 28 March 1954) is a Romanian politician and former Member of the European Parliament.
- Severin Blindenbacher
Severin Blindenbacher (born March 15, 1983 in Zurich, Switzerland) is a Swiss professional ice hockey defenceman who currently plays for and is an alternate captain of the ZSC Lions of the National League (NL).
- Severin Bikoko
Severin Brice Bikoko (born 24 September 1988 in Yaoundé) is a Cameroonian striker.
- Severin Kiefer
Severin Kiefer (born 11 October 1990) is an Austrian figure skater.
- Severin Mihm
Severin Mihm (born 12 April 1991) is a German footballer who plays as a left-back for FSV 63 Luckenwalde.
- Severin Lüthi
Severin Lüthi (born 5 January 1976) is a Swiss tennis coach and former player.
- Severin Sägesser
Severin Sägesser (born (1992-07-11)11 July 1992) is a Swiss male cyclo-cross cyclist.
- Yoan Severin
Yoan Severin (born 24 January 1997) is a French footballer who currently plays for Servette FC in the Swiss Challenge League.
- Severin Buchta
- Canaan Severin
Canaan T. Severin (born March 16, 1993) is an American football wide receiver who is currently a free agent.
- Severin Moser
Severin Moser (born 23 October 1962) is a Swiss athlete.
- Severin Hingsamer
Severin Hingsamer (born 20 March 2000) is an Austrian footballer who plays for SV Ried.
- Severin Eskeland (director)
Severin Eskeland (born 22 June 1977) is a Norwegian director.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Severin Numerology: Name Severin has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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