What does the name Serghei mean? What is the meaning of the name Serghei
Meaning of Serghei: Name Serghei in the Romanian origin, means Romanian version of the name Sergey, meaning protector or shepherd.. Name Serghei is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Serghei are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Serghei: Romanian version of the name Sergey, meaning protector or shepherd.
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Famous people with name Serghei (Namesakes)
- Serghei Covalciuc
Serghei Covalciuc (Ukrainian: Сергій Ковальчук; born 20 January 1982) is a Moldovan-Ukrainian footballer who last played for Kazakhstan Premier League side FC Aktobe.
- Serghei Rogaciov
Serghei Ivanovich Rogaciov (born 20 May 1977) is a Moldovan football coach and a former player who played as a forward.
- Serghei Cleșcenco
Serghei Cleșcenco (pronounced [kleʃˈtʃeŋko]; born 20 May 1972 in Criuleni, Moldovan SSR) is a retired Moldovan footballer, who holds the record for the most goals scored in a single season by a foreigner in Israel.
- Serghei Pașcenco
Serghei Pașcenco (born 18 December 1982) is a Moldovan footballer.
- Serghei Lașcencov
Serghei Lașcencov (born 24 March 1980 in Zdolbuniv, Ukrainian SSR) is a retired Moldovan footballer and the former captain of the Moldovan national team.
- Serghei Alexeev
Serghei Alexeev (born 31 May 1986) is a Moldovan footballer who plays as a forward.
- Serghei Namașco
Serghei Namașco (born 19 June 1984) is a Moldovan football player.
- Serghei Pogreban
Serghei Pogreban (born 13 May 1978) is a Moldova football Forward currently is unattached after end of contract with FK Ekranas.
- Serghei Gheorghiev
Serghei Gheorghiev (born 20 October 1991) in Chirsova, Moldova is an ethnic Bulgarian footballer who plays as a Midfielder.
- Serghei Dubrovin
Sergei Dubrovin (born January 4, 1952) is a Moldovan football manager.
- Serghei Marghiev
Serghei Marghiev (Russian: Маргиев, Сергей Сосланович; born 6 November 1992) is a Moldovan athlete specialising in the hammer throw.
- Serghei Gafina
Serghei Gafina (born 10 November 1984) is a Moldovan defender who plays for FC Zimbru.
- Serghei Țvetcov
Serghei Țvetcov (born 29 December 1988) is a Moldovan-born Romanian racing cyclist.
- Serghei Diulgher
Serghei Diulgher (born 21 March 1991) is a Moldovan footballer who plays for Dinamo-Auto Tiraspol in Moldovan National Division as a defender.
- Serghei Svinarenco
Serghei Svinarenco (born 18 September 1996) is a Moldovan footballer who is playing Moldovan National Division for Sfântul Gheorghe on loan from Sheriff Tiraspol as a defender.
- Serghei Cechir
Serghei Cechir (born 15 October 1990) is a Moldovan weightlifter who competes in the 69 kg division.
- Serghei Dinov
Serghei Dinov (born 23 April 1969) is a Moldovan goalkeepers coach and former Moldova international footballer, who played as a goalkeeper.
- Serghei Botnaraș
Serghei Botnaraș (born 27 February 1964 in Chișinău) is Moldovan football manager (coach) and former footballer who has played as goalkeeper.
- Serghei Nani
Serghei Nani (born 10 August 1970) is a retired Moldovan football midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Serghei Numerology: Name Serghei has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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