What does the name Seppo mean? What is the meaning of the name Seppo
Meaning of Seppo: Name Seppo in the Estonian, Roman origin, means Estonian form of Sebastian, meaning venerable.. Name Seppo is of Estonian, Roman origin and is a Boy name. People with name Seppo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Seppo: Estonian form of Sebastian, meaning venerable.
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Famous people with name Seppo (Namesakes)
- Seppo Vainio
Seppo Vainio (born 3 January 1937) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Seppo Reijonen
Seppo Reijonen (born 29 April 1944) is a Finnish ski jumper.
- Seppo Hänninen
Seppo Hänninen (born 11 July 1943) is a Finnish speed skater.
- Seppo Rantanen
Seppo Rantanen (born 2 September 1963) is a Finnish cross-country skier.
- Seppo Räty
Seppo Henrik Räty (born 27 April 1962) is a retired Finnish track and field athlete who competed in the javelin throw.
- Seppo Evwaraye
Seppo Evwaraye (born June 1, 1982) is a Finnish former offensive guard in American football and current general manager and interim head coach of Finnish team Wasa Royals of Maple league.
- Seppo Pääkkönen
Seppo Sakari Pääkkönen (born 15 June 1957 in Kuhmo) is a Finnish actor.
- Seppo Nikkilä
Seppo Tapani Nikkilä (born December 23, 1936 in Tampere, Finland) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played in the SM-liiga.
- Seppo Lehto
Seppo Lehto (born 6 September 1962 in Kuru) is a Finnish nationalist, currently living in Tampere.
- Seppo Harjanne
Seppo Harjanne (born 20 February 1948) is a Finnish former rally co-driver.
- Seppo Vilderson
Seppo Vilderson (born 7 February 1963) is a retired Estonian professional football (soccer) player.
- Seppo Aho
Seppo Aho (born 7 March 1944) is a Finnish modern pentathlete.
- Seppo Saarenpää
Seppo Saarenpää (born 5 September 1937) is a Finnish former sports shooter.
- Seppo Mäkinen
Seppo Mäkinen (born 28 February 1941) is a retired Finnish sports shooter.
- Seppo Irjala
Seppo Irjala (born 2 December 1937) is a Finnish former sports shooter.
- Seppo Nikkari
Seppo Nikkari (born 6 February 1948) is a Finnish long-distance runner.
- Jukka-Pekka Seppo
Jukka-Pekka Seppo (born January 22, 1968) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey player who primarily played in the Finnish Liiga and German Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL).
- Seppo Suutari
Seppo Suutari (born 28 December 1940) is a Finnish athlete.
- Seppo Myllylä
Seppo Myllylä (born 9 August 1958) is a Finnish judoka.
- Seppo Häkkinen
Seppo Auvo Antero Häkkinen (born June 2, 1958) is a Finnish prelate who has been bishop of the Diocese of Mikkeli since 2009.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Seppo Numerology: Name Seppo has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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