What does the name Sepp mean? What is the meaning of the name Sepp?
Meaning of Sepp: Name Sepp in the German origin, means Nickname for Joseph. Name Sepp is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sepp (Namesakes)
- Sepp Blatter
Joseph "Sepp" Blatter (born 10 March 1936) is a Swiss football administrator who was the eighth President of the FIFA (French: Fédération Internationale de Football Association) from 1998 to 2015.
- Sepp Maier
Josef Dieter "Sepp" Maier (born 28 February 1944) is a German former professional football goalkeeper who played for Bayern Munich and the German national football team.
- Sepp Piontek
Josef Emanuel Hubertus "Sepp" Piontek (born 5 March 1940) is a German former footballer and manager.
- Sepp Weiß
Sepp Weiss (born 13 March 1952) is a German footballer who played for Bayern Munich and was part of their European Cup victory in 1975.
Weiss made 37 appearances in the Bundesliga for Bayern Munich before moving to Würzburger FV and SpVgg Bayreuth where he would make 104 appearances in the 2.
- Sepp Puschnig
Josef "Sepp" Puschnig (born 12 September 1946 in Klagenfurt, Austria) is a retired ice hockey player.
- Dennis Sepp
Dennis Sepp (born 7 June 1973) is a Dutch former professional footballer who played for HSC '21, SC Enschede and Excelsior '31 in the Netherlands, as well as for Bradford City in England.
- Sepp Holzer
Josef "Sepp" Holzer (born July 24, 1942 in Ramingstein, State of Salzburg, Austria) is a farmer, an author, and an international consultant for natural agriculture.
- Sepp Hochreiter
Sepp Hochreiter (born Josef Hochreiter in 1967) is a German computer scientist.
- Ott Sepp
Ott Sepp (born 29 June 1982) is an Estonian actor, singer, writer and television presenter.
- Sepp Weingärtner
Josef "Sepp" Weingärtner (born April 19, 1932) is a former a Swiss ice hockey player who competed in the 1956 Winter Olympics.
- Sepp Koster
Josephus (Sepp) Koster (born 17 September 1974 in Heemskerk) is a former Dutch racing driver.
- Sepp Schneider
Sepp Schneider (born 3 June 1991) is an Austrian Nordic combined skier.
- Adeele Sepp
Adeele Sepp (born 10 November 1989) is an Estonian stage, film, and television actress.
- Sepp Kuss
Sepp Kuss (born September 13, 1994) is an American cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Team Jumbo–Visma.
- Sepp van den Berg
Sepp van den Berg (born 20 December 2001) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as centre-back for English Premier League club Liverpool.
- Sepp Reif
Sepp Reif (born 5 September 1937) is a German ice hockey player.
- Sepp Schwinghammer
Sepp Schwinghammer (born 21 September 1950) is a German ski jumper.
- Sepp Biebl
Sepp Biebl (born 30 December 1936) is a German speed skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sepp Numerology: Name Sepp has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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