What does the name Sen mean? What is the meaning of the name Sen
Meaning of Sen: Name Sen in the Vietnamese, Japanese origin, means Name of Lotus flower. Name Sen is of Vietnamese, Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sen (Namesakes)
- Amartya Sen
Amartya Kumar Sen (Bengali: ˈɔmort:o ˈʃen; born 3 November 1933) is an Indian economist and philosopher, who since 1972 has taught and worked in the United Kingdom and the United States.
- Hun Sen
Hun Sen (Khmer: ហ៊ុន សែន; born 5 August 1952) is a Cambodian politician who has served as the Prime Minister of Cambodia since 1985, the longest-serving head of government of Cambodia, and one of the longest-serving leaders in the world.
- Sushmita Sen
Sushmita Sen (born 19 November 1975) is an Indian film actress and model who was crowned Femina Miss India in 1994 and Miss Universe 1994 contest at the age of 18.
- Ashoke Sen
Ashoke Sen, FRS (; born 1956) is an Indian theoretical physicist and distinguished professor at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.
- Aparna Sen
Aparna Sen (née Dasgupta, Ôporna Shen; born 25 October 1945) is an Indian filmmaker, screenwriter and actress who is known for her work in Bengali cinema.
- Riya Sen
Riya Sen (born Riya Dev Varma; is an Indian film actress and model.
- Reemma Sen
Reema Sen (born 29 October 1981) is an Indian actress and model who primarily appeared in Tamil films while appearing in just a few Telugu and Hindi films.
- Sen Dog
Senen Reyes (born November 22, 1965), also known by his stage name Sen Dog, is a Cuban-American rapper and musician who is best known as a member of the rap group Cypress Hill and as the lead vocalist for the heavy metal band Powerflo.
- Rimi Sen
Rimi Sen (born 21 September 1981) is an Indian former actress and film producer who has appeared in Bollywood, Telugu and Bengali films.
- Moon Moon Sen
Moon Moon Sen, also credited as Moonmoon Sen, (born 28 March 1954) is an Indian film actress, known for her works in Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi and Kannada films.
- Raima Sen
Raima Sen (born Raima Dev Varma on 07 November 1979) is an Indian actress who is known for her work in Bengali and Hindi Film industry.
- Konkona Sen Sharma
Konkona Sen Sharma (born 3 December 1979) is an Indian actress, writer, and director.
- Kaushik Sen
Kaushik Sen (born 19 September 1968) is an Indian actor of film, television and theatre based in Kolkata.
- Riddhi Sen
Riddhi Sen is an Indian Bengali actor.
- Chitra Sen
Chitra Sen is a Bengali actress and dancer.
- Rii Sen
Rii Sen (Bengali: ঋ সেন) (born as Rituparna Sen; Bengali: ঋতুপর্ণা সেন) is an Indian actress who works in Bengali cinema.
- Sandipta Sen
Sandipta Sen is a Bengali television actress.
- Rittika Sen
Rittika Sen is an Indian film actress who appears in Bengali films.
- Lakshya Sen
Lakshya Sen (born 16 August 2001) is an Indian badminton player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sen Numerology: Name Sen has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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