What does the name Sema mean? What is the meaning of the name Sema?
Meaning of Sema: Name Sema in the Arabic, Turkish origin, means A Divine Omen, also a known symbol. Name Sema is of Arabic, Turkish origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sema (Namesakes)
- Yurika Sema
Yurika Sema (瀬間 友里加, born December 25, 1986, in Nerima) is a former Japanese female tennis player.
- Mus Sema
Muslimin Gampong Sema (born April 27, 1949), also known as Mus Sema, is a Filipino politician who has been a former Mayor and Vice Mayor of Cotabato City.
- Sema Apak
Sema Apak (née Aydemir; born August 17, 1985) is a Turkish female sprinter, who is specializes in the 400m hurdles event.
- Maic Sema
Maic Ndongala Namputu Sema (born 2 December 1988) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays for IFK Norrköping.
- Ken Sema
Ken Sema (born 30 September 1993) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Serie A club Udinese on loan from Premier League club Watford as a midfielder.
- Sema Acartürk
Sema Acarturk (born (1993-01-09)9 January 1993) is a Turkish female weightlifter, competing in the 53 kg category and representing Turkey at international competitions.
- Arzu Sema Canbul
Arzu Sema Canbul (born July 14, 1973) is a Turkish former women's association footballer.
- Aleksandr Sema
Aleksandr Andreyevich Sema (Russian: Александр Андреевич Сема, born 13 April 1952) is a Russian rower who competed for the Soviet Union.
- Anton Sema
Anton Sema (born 20 October 1978) is a Russian rower.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sema Numerology: Name Sema has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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