What does the name Selina mean? What is the meaning of the name Selina?
Meaning of Selina: Name Selina in the Greek origin, means Star in the sky. Name Selina is of Greek origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Selina (Namesakes)
- Selina Hossain
Selina Hossain is a Bangladeshi novelist.
- Selina Cadell
Selina Jane Cadell (born 12 August 1953) is an English actress.
- Selina Jörg
Selina Jörg (born 24 January 1988) is a German snowboarder.
- Selina Jen
Selina Jen Chia-hsüan (Chinese: 任家萱; pinyin: Rén Jiāxuān; born 31 October 1981) is a Taiwanese singer, television host and actress.
- Selina Chow
Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee, GBS, JP (Chinese: 周梁淑怡; born 25 January 1945) is a former Hong Kong television executive and politician.
- Selina Scott
Selina Mary Scott (born 13 May 1951) is a British television presenter who was co-presenter of the first breakfast television programme in the UK before crossing the Atlantic to join West 57th, a prime time current affairs show broadcast from New York.
- Selina Wagner
Selina Wagner (born 6 October 1990) is a German footballer.
- Selina Majors
Selina Majors (born May 24, 1967), better known by her stage name Bambi, is an American professional wrestler.
- Selina Solman
Selina Solman (born 8 February 1994) is a Vanuatuan cricketer and the current captain of the Vanuatu women's cricket team.
- Selina Chilton
Selina Chilton (born 19 September 1981) is an English actress who has appeared in theatre and television productions.
- Selina Özuzun Doğan
Selina Özuzun Doğan (born Selina Özuzun in 1977), aka Selina Doğan, is a Turkish politician of Armenian ethnicity.
- Selina Sharma
Selina Sharma (Thielemann) is an Italian-born Indian musicologist and vocalist.
- Selina Lo
Selina Lo (born 29 January 1994) is a British Asian actress with a background in competitive martial arts.
- Selina Giles
Selina Giles (born 5 March 1972) is an English actress and writer.
- Selina Juul
Selina Juul (born 7 March 1980 in Moscow, Soviet Union) is a Russian-Danish activist and graphic designer known for her work in promoting the reduction of food waste.
- Selina Tusitala Marsh
Do you know any famous people named Selina, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Selina Numerology: Name Selina has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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