What does the name Sef mean? What is the meaning of the name Sef?
Meaning of Sef: Name Sef in the Egyptian origin, means Egyptian name meaning yesterday. Name Sef is of Egyptian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sef (Namesakes)
- Sef Gonzales
Sef Gonzales (born 16 September 1980) is a Filipino Australian who was convicted and sentenced in the Supreme Court of New South Wales to life imprisonment for the July 2001 murder of his father Teodoro "Teddy" Gonzales, aged 46 years, his mother Mary Loiva Gonzales, aged 43 years, and his sister Clodine Gonzales, aged 18 years, in Sydney, Australia.
- Sef Vergoossen
Sef (Josephus Gerardus Dominicus) Vergoossen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsɛf ˈfɛrɣoːsə(n)], born 5 August 1947 in Echt) is a former Dutch football manager.
- Sef Cadayona
John Paul Joseph "Sef" Cadayona (born March 3, 1989 in Las Piñas City) is a Filipino actor, TV host, comedian, who was an alumnus of the fifth season of the Philippine reality talent show StarStruck.
- Sef Fa'agase
Sef Fa'agase (born 3 May 1991), is an Australian rugby union player of Samoan descent.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sef Numerology: Name Sef has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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