What does the name Searle mean? What is the meaning of the name Searle
Meaning of Searle: Name Searle in the French origin, means Armor. Name Searle is of French origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Searle (Namesakes)
- Michael Searle
Michael Searle (born 16 July 1968) is an Australian businessman and rugby league football identity.
- John Searle
John Rogers Searle (; born July 31, 1932) is an American philosopher.
- Damon Searle
Damon Peter Searle (born 26 October 1971) is a Welsh professional footballer.
- Greg Searle
Gregory Mark Pascoe Searle (born 20 March 1972) is a British Olympic rower educated at Hampton School and London South Bank University.
- Berni Searle
Berni Searle (born 7 July 1964 in Cape Town, South Africa) is an artist who works with photography, video, and film to produce lens-based installations that stage narratives connected to history, identity, memory, and place.
- Ryan Searle
Ryan Searle (born 22 June 1989, Brisbane, Australia) is an Australian professional baseball pitcher who is a free agent.
He is a regular on the Australia national baseball team, the "Southern Thunder".
- Richard Searle
Richard Searle (born 10 July 1963 in London) is a 1960s-influenced bass guitarist, who was a member of Doctor and the Medics in 1986, when they were reaching number one in the pop charts.
- Adam Searles
Adam Searles (born 1 June 1981) is a British stage, film, and television actor.
- Stevie Searle
Stevie Searle (born 7 March 1977) in Lambeth, London, England, is an English retired professional footballer who played as a midfielder for Barnet in the Football League.
- Stuart Searle
Stuart Andrew Searle (born 27 February 1979) is an English football manager and former player who played as a goalkeeper.
- Debra Searle
Debra Louise Searle MVO MBE (born 8 July 1975), née Newbury, later Veal, is a British adventurer, television presenter, author and motivational speaker.
- Dominique Searle
Dominique Searle, MBE, (2 April 1960) is a Gibraltarian journalist, son of the also journalist Jon Morgan Searle.
- Chris Searle
Chris Searle (born 1 January 1944) is a British educator, poet, anti-racist activist and socialist.
- Jackie Searle
Jacqueline Ann "Jackie" Searle (born 26 September 1960) is a British Anglican bishop.
- Ryan Searle (darts player)
Ryan Searle (born 21 October 1987) is a professional English darts player who plays in Professional Darts Corporation events.
- Kathy Searle
Kathy Searle (born March 7, 1981) is an American film and theater actress.
- Billy Searle
Billy George Searle (born 25 March 1996) is an English professional rugby union player for Wasps in Premiership Rugby.
- Searle Turton
Searle Turton (born 23 June 1979) is a Canadian politician who was elected in the 2019 Alberta general election to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta representing the electoral district of Spruce Grove-Stony Plain.
- Tom Searle
Tom Searle (born 26 April 1963) is an Austrian ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Searle Numerology: Name Searle has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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