What does the name Seamus mean? What is the meaning of the name Seamus
Meaning of Seamus: Name Seamus in the English, Irish origin, means A supplant. Name Seamus is of English, Irish origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Seamus (Namesakes)
- Seamus O'Connor
Seamus O'Connor (born October 4, 1997) is an American-born snowboarder, from Ramona, California, who competes internationally for Ireland.
- Seamus Moore (singer)
Seamus Moore (born 18 June 1947) is a popular Irish performer.
- Seamus McCaffery
Seamus P. McCaffery (born June 3, 1950) is an American retired Justice on the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
- Seamus O'Regan
Seamus Thomas Harris O'Regan (born January 18, 1971) is a Canadian politician and former television personality from Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
Seamus Liam Davey-Fitzpatrick (born December 29, 1998) is an American actor.
- Seamus McGarvey
Seamus McGarvey, ASC, BSC (born 29 June 1967) is a cinematographer from Armagh, Northern Ireland.
- Seamus Moynihan
Séamus Moynihan is a former Irish Gaelic footballer from Shronedarraugh, a townland half way between Barraduff and Glenflesk, County Kerry.
- Seamus Haji
Seamus Haji (born 30 December 1968) is a British DJ and record producer.
- Seamus Conneely
Seamus Joseph Conneely (born 9 July 1988) is a professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Accrington Stanley.
- Seamus Dever
Seamus Patrick Dever (born July 27, 1976) is an American actor known for his role as Detective Kevin Ryan in the ABC series Castle.
- Seamus Blake
Seamus Blake (born December 8, 1970) is a Canadian tenor saxophonist and composer currently residing in New York.
- Seamus McGrath
Seamus Patrick McGrath (born March 5, 1976 in Mississauga, Ontario) is a retired Canadian professional mountain biker.
- Seamus Finnegan
Seamus Finnegan (born 1949) is a Northern Irish playwright.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Seamus Numerology: Name Seamus has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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