What does the name Seal mean? What is the meaning of the name Seal
Meaning of Seal: Name Seal in the English origin, means A dweller by the small wood. Name Seal is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Seal (Namesakes)
- Aditya Seal
Aditya Seal (born 22 March 1988) is an Indian model, film and television actor.
- Seal (musician)
Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel (born 19 February 1963), known professionally as Seal, is a British musician, singer, and songwriter.
- Manuel Seal
Manuel Seal Jr. (born September 26, 1960) is an American multi-instrumentalist, record producer, composer, singer, songwriter, vocal coach, and arranger.
- David Seal
David Seal (born 26 January 1972) is a former Australian soccer player who is currently retired.
- Jaynie Seal
Jaynie Seal (born 18 May 1973) is an Australian television presenter.
- Sudhangshu Seal
Sudhangshu Seal (Shudhangshu Shil; born 27 March 1945) was a member of the 14th Lok Sabha of India.
- Elizabeth Seal
Elizabeth Anne Seal (born 28 August 1933, Genoa, Italy) is a British actress.
- Michael Seal
Michael Seal (born 3 May 1970) is a British orchestral conductor and classical violinist.
- Amanda Seales
Amanda Ingrid Seales (born July 1, 1981), formerly known by the stage name Amanda Diva, is an American comedian, actress, disc jockey (DJ), recording artist, television personality, VJ, author and poet.
- Benny Ashley-Seal
Bernard Patrick Ashley-Seal (born 21 November 1998) is an English footballer who plays as a striker for Accrington Stanley on loan from Wolverhampton Wanderers.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Seal Numerology: Name Seal has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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