What does the name Scott mean? What is the meaning of the name Scott?
Meaning of Scott: Name Scott in the English origin, means From Scottish. Name Scott is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Scott (Namesakes)
- Scott Peterson
Scott Lee Peterson (born October 24, 1972) is an American convicted murderer who is currently on death row in San Quentin State Prison.
- Ridley Scott
Sir Ridley Scott (born 30 November 1937) is an English filmmaker.
- David Scott
David Randolph Scott (born June 6, 1932) (Col, USAF, Ret.) is a retired test pilot and NASA astronaut who was the seventh person to walk on the Moon.
- Seann William Scott
Seann William Scott (born October 3, 1976) is an American actor, comedian, and producer.
- Dougray Scott
Stephen Dougray Scott (born 26 November 1965) is a Scottish actor.
- A. O. Scott
Anthony Oliver Scott (born July 10, 1966) is an American journalist and cultural critic.
- Rick Scott
Richard Lynn Scott (né Myers, December 1, 1952) is an American politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Florida since 2019.
- Charlie Scott
Charles Thomas Scott (born December 15, 1948) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Darrell Scott
James Darrell Scott, known as Darrell Scott (born August 6, 1959), is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
- Scott Lynch
Scott Lynch (born April 2, 1978) is an American fantasy author who wrote the Gentleman Bastard series of novels.
- Scott Pelley
Scott Cameron Pelley (born July 28, 1957) is an American journalist and author who has been a correspondent and anchor for CBS News for more than 31 years.
- Scott Adkins
Scott Edward Adkins (born 17 June 1976) is an English actor, producer, screenwriter and martial artist.
- Scott Morrison
Scott John Morrison (born 13 May 1968) is an Australian politician serving as the 30th and current Prime Minister of Australia having become the leader of the governing Liberal Party in August 2018.
- Scott Eastwood
Scott Eastwood (born Scott Clinton Reeves; March 21, 1986) is an American actor and model.
- Hillary Scott
Hillary Dawn Scott-Tyrrell (born April 1, 1986), known professionally as Hillary Scott, is an American singer and songwriter.
- Tim Scott
Timothy Eugene Scott (born September 19, 1965) is an American politician and businessman serving as the junior United States Senator for South Carolina since 2013.
- Naomi Scott
Naomi Grace Scott (born 6 May 1993) is an English actress and singer.
- Scott Moe
Scott Moe (born July 31, 1973) is a Canadian politician serving as the 15th and current premier of Saskatchewan since 2018.
- Travis Scott
Jacques Berman Webster II (born April 30, 1992), known professionally as Travis Scott (formerly stylized as Travi$ Scott), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer.
- Drew Scott
Andrew Alfred Scott (born April 28, 1978) is a Canadian real-estate broker, actor, reality television personality, and entrepreneur best known as the co-host (along with his twin brother Jonathan), on the TV series Property Brothers.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Scott Numerology: Name Scott has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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