What does the name Sayed mean? What is the meaning of the name Sayed?
Meaning of Sayed: Name Sayed in the Arabic origin, means Leader. Name Sayed is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sayed are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Sayed (Namesakes)
- Engy Sayed
Engy Ahmed Atya Sayed (Arabic: إنجي أحمد الأب سيد, born September 4, 1986), shortly Engy Sayed, is an Egyptian football forward.
- Sayed Tewfik El-Sayed
Sayed Tewfik El-Sayed (born 30 August 1942) is an Egyptian basketball player.
- Sayed Nasratullah
Sayed Nasratullah (born 10 May 1984) is an Afghan cricketer.
- Bethan Sayed
Bethan Sayed AM (née Jenkins, born 9 December 1981), is a Welsh politician, who has represented the South Wales West Region for Plaid Cymru as a Member of the National Assembly for Wales since 2007.
- Sayed Moawad
Sayed Moawad (Arabic: سيد معوض; born 25 May 1979) is an Egyptian retired professional footballer who played as a Left-back.
- Ashfaque Sayed
Ashfaque Sayed is a current Indian professional darts player.
- Sayed Mosaad
Sayed Mosaad (Arabic: سيد مسعد) (born on 8 April 1987) is an Egyptian footballer who last played for Al-Qanah, but was most famous for his spell at Zamalek in the Egyptian Premier League.
His transfer to El Zamalek cost them €150,000.
- Sayed Shirzad
Sayed Shirzad (born 1 October 1994) is an Afghan cricketer.
- Irshaad Sayed
Irshaad "The White Tiger" Sayed (born 30 March 1989) is a South African national kickboxing champion, two time Muay Thai world champion and mixed martial arts champion who is currently signed with EFC Worldwide: Extreme Fighting Championship and is the Interim EFC Bantamweight Champion.
- Ahmed Sayed
Ahmed Sayed (Arabic: أحمد سيد; 10 January 1996), commonly known as Zizo, is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a Midfielder for Egyptian Premier League club Zamalek and the Egypt national team.
- Abdul El-Sayed
Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed (born October 31, 1984) is an American politician, former public health professor, medical doctor, and civil servant.
- Altamash Sayed
- Sayed Mersal
Sayed Mersal (born 22 January 1937) is an Egyptian boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Sayed Numerology: Name Sayed has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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