What does the name Savoy mean? What is the meaning of the name Savoy
Meaning of Savoy: Name Savoy in the French origin, means Kingdom in France. Name Savoy is of French origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Savoy (Namesakes)
- Paul Waaktaar-Savoy
Paul Waaktaar-Savoy (born Pål Waaktaar Gamst, 6 September 1961) is a Norwegian musician and songwriter.
- Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice
Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice (Emanuele Filiberto Umberto Reza Ciro René Maria di Savoia; born 22 June 1972), usually called Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, is a member of the House of Savoy.
- Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy
Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy (Maria Gabriella Giuseppa Aldegonda Adelaide Ludovica Felicita Gennara; born 24 February 1940) is the middle daughter of Italy's last king, Umberto II, and Marie José of Belgium, the "May Queen", and a sister of a pretender to their father's throne, Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples.
- Marc Savoy
Marc Savoy ( sah-vwah) (b.
- Ann Savoy
Ann Savoy (; born Ann Allen on January 20, 1952) is a musician, author, and record producer.
- Wilson Savoy
Wilson Allen Savoy (born February 1, 1982 in Eunice, Louisiana) is a Grammy winning accordionist, keyboard player, fiddler and singer with the Cajun bands Pine Leaf Boys and The Band Courtbouillon, as well as a local filmmaker in Lafayette, LA. His father Marc Savoy, famous accordion builder and musician, and his mother, Ann Savoy, musician, author and music producer, are well known ambassadors and supporters of preserving the Cajun culture.
- Princess Maria Cristina of Savoy-Aosta
Maria Cristina of Savoy-Aosta (Maria Cristina Giusta Elena Giovanna; born 12 September 1933) is an Italian princess, and a member of the House of Savoy-Aosta by birth.
- Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy-Genoa
Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy-Genoa (Italian: Maria Isabella Elena Immacolata Barbara Anna Pace di Savoia Genova; born 23 June 1943) is the last surviving male-line descendant of the Dukes of Genoa, a cadet branch of the House of Savoy which ruled Italy from 1861 to 1946.
- Raoul Savoy
Raoul Savoy (born 18 May 1973) is a Spanish-Swiss football coach.
- Jasmin Savoy Brown
- Seth Savoy
Seth Savoy (born April 23, 1992) is a Cajun American film director and screenwriter raised in Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Brian Savoy
Brian Savoy (born January 13, 1992) is an Argentine-born Swiss professional basketball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Savoy Numerology: Name Savoy has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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