What does the name Savio mean? What is the meaning of the name Savio
Meaning of Savio: Name Savio in the Argentina origin, means Intelligent. Name Savio is of Argentina origin and is a Boy name. People with name Savio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Savio (Namesakes)
- Savio Vega
Juan Rivera (born August 10, 1964) is a Puerto Rican professional wrestler and is currently signed to Major League Wrestling.
- Savio Nsereko
Savio Magala Nsereko (born 27 July 1989), more commonly known as Savio, is a Ugandan-born German footballer who plays as a forward or winger.
- Savio Hon
Savio Hon Tai-fai SDB (traditional Chinese: 韓大輝; simplified Chinese: 韩大辉; pinyin: Hán Dàhuī; Jyutping: Hon⁴ Daai⁶fai¹; born 21 October 1950) is a Roman Catholic archbishop and the nuncio of the Holy See to Greece.
- Savio Medeira
Savio Medeira (born 20 March 1965) is an Indian football manager and former player who was last the head coach of India U-23.
- Daniel Savio
Daniel Savio (born 6 April 1978), is a Swedish electronic musician, composer and DJ. He is recognized as the originator of the genre term skweee, describing the sparse electronic music style initially released on Scandinavian record label Flogsta Danshall.
- Savio Kabugo
Savio Kabugo (born 20 January 1995) is a Ugandan professional footballer who currently plays for Sebeta City in Ethiopia.
- Dominique Savio Nshuti
Dominique Savio Nshuti (born 1 January 1997) is a Rwandan footballer.
- Edit Romanos Cristovão Savio
Edit Romanos Cristovão Savio (born 26 August 1992) is a Timorese footballer who plays for Boavista FC Timor Leste and the Timor-Leste national football team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Savio Numerology: Name Savio has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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