What does the name Savino mean? What is the meaning of the name Savino
Meaning of Savino: Name Savino in the Latin, Italian origin, means One of the Sabines. Name Savino is of Latin, Italian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Savino (Namesakes)
- Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino
Jorge (Liberato) Urosa (y Savino) (born August 28, 1942) is a Venezuelan Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Diane Savino
Diane J. Savino (born September 28, 1963) is a Democratic politician representing the 23rd Senate District in the New York State Senate, in northern Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn, including Sunset Park, Bay Ridge, Bath Beach, Brighton Beach, and Coney Island.
- Savino Pezzotta
Savino Pezzotta (born 25 December 1943) is an Italian politician and trade unionist.
- Alessio di Savino
Alessio di Savino (born May 22, 1984) is an Italian boxer who competed at the 2008 Olympics and lost his debut to Raynell Williams in the men's featherweight division (– 57 kg).
- Alberto Savino
- Not to be confused with Alberto Savinio.
Alberto Savino (born 1 September 1973) is an Italian footballer who currently plays for Nola as a defender.
- Lunetta Savino
Lunetta Savino (born 2 November 1957 in Bari) is an Italian theater and movie actress, particularly famous for starring in popular TV series.
- Savino Rebek
Savino Rebek (born 13 November 1940) is an Italian rower.
- Howie DiSavino III
Howard "Howie" DiSavino III (born April 10, 2001) is an American professional stock car racing driver who currently competes part-time for Win-Tron Racing in both the NASCAR Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series and the ARCA Menards Series, driving the No.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Savino Numerology: Name Savino has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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