What does the name Savannah mean? What is the meaning of the name Savannah
Meaning of Savannah: Name Savannah in the Spanish origin, means From the open grassy plain. Name Savannah is of Spanish origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Savannah (Namesakes)
- Savannah Robinson
Savannah Noelle Robinson (born November 20, 1998) is an American R&B singer.
- Savannah Guthrie
Savannah Clark Guthrie (born December 27, 1971) is an American broadcast journalist and attorney.
- Savannah Stehlin
Savannah Stehlin (born March 6, 1996) is an American actress.
- Savannah King
Savannah King (born June 4, 1992) is a competition swimmer from Canada, who competes primarily in the freestyle events.
- Savannah Sanitoa
Savannah Sanitoa (born April 30, 1987) is a track and field athlete who competes internationally for American Samoa.
- Savannah Smith Boucher
Savannah Smith Boucher (born October 28, 1943), known professionally as Savannah Smith prior to 1985, is an American actress originally from Springhill in Webster Parish in northwestern Louisiana.
- Savannah Dooley
Savannah Dooley (born August 31, 1985) is an American screenwriter and television producer, best known as the co-creator of the television series Huge.
- Savannah Haske
Savannah Haske (born November 18, 1977) is an American television and film actor and writer.
- Savannah Marshall
Savannah Marshall (born 19 May 1991) is a British professional boxer.
- Savannah Vinsant
Savannah Vinsant (born June 25, 1993) is an American trampoline gymnast.
- Savannah Miller
Savannah Elizabeth Louise Miller (born 30 December 1978) is a British-American fashion designer.
- Savannah Lane
Savannah Morgan Lane (born April 3, 1995) is an American beauty pageant titleholder from Midlothian, Virginia, who was crowned Miss Virginia 2015.
- Savannah Levin
Savannah Levin (born May 21, 1995) is an American soccer player who plays as a defender for Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC in the Swedish Damallsvenskan.
- Savannah Jordan
Savannah Jordan (born January 24, 1995) is a retired American soccer forward who last played for the Houston Dash in the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL).
- Savannah McCaskill
- Savannah Broadus
Savannah Broadus (born September 18, 2002) is an American female tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Savannah Numerology: Name Savannah has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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