What does the name Saulo mean? What is the meaning of the name Saulo
Meaning of Saulo: Name Saulo in the Greek origin, means On who is delicate. Name Saulo is of Greek origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Saulo (Namesakes)
- Saulo Araújo Fontes
Saulo Araújo Fontes or simply Saulo (born April 2, 1989 in Piranhas), is a Brazilian goalkeeper.
- Saulo Squarsone Rodrigues dos Santos
Saulo Squarsone Rodrigues dos Santos (born 10 August 1985) is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Botafogo-PB.
- Saulo Rodrigues dos Santos
Saulo Rodrigues dos Santos (born February 18, 1982), known as Saulo, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Santa Helena as a striker.
- Saulo Fernandes
Saulo Jorge Fernandes Navarro de Oliveira (born September 9, 1977) is a Brazilian Axé singer.
- Saulo Roston
Saulo do Amaral Freire Oliveira Souza (born March 22, 1989), best known as Saulo Roston, is a Brazilian pop singer and songwriter.
- Saulo Batista de Andrade Cordeiro
Saulo Batista de Andrade Cordeiro (born 19 November 1979), simply known as Saulo, is a retired Brazilian footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Saulo Estevao da Costa Pimenta
Saulo Estevao da Costa Pimenta (born April 11, 1974) is a former Brazilian football player.
- Saulo Cavalari
Saulo Cavalari (born 23 May 1989) is a Brazilian light heavyweight kickboxer and mixed martial artist, fighting out of Thai Brasil team in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
- Saulos Chilima
Saulos Klaus Chilima (born 12 February 1973, Ntcheu) is a Malawian economist and politician who is the current vice president of Malawi after being reinstated by the court on 3 February 2020.
- Saulo Decarli
Saulo Decarli (born 4 February 1992) is a Swiss footballer who plays as a central defender for VfL Bochum.
- Manasa Saulo
Manasa Saulo, (born 6 April 1989) is a Fiji professional Rugby union footballer.
- Saulo Ferreira Silva
Saulo Ferreira Silva (born 20 April 1995), commonly known as Saulo, is a Brazilian footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Botafogo.
- Pasami Saulo
- Saulo Hernández
Saulo Hernández (born 17 October 1946) is a Puerto Rican boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Saulo Numerology: Name Saulo has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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