What does the name Satish mean? What is the meaning of the name Satish?
Meaning of Satish: Name Satish in the Indian origin, means Ruler of hundreds; God Of Truth. Name Satish is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Satish are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Satish (Namesakes)
- Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar (born 9 August 1936) is an Indian British activist and editor.
- Satish Shah
Satish Shah (born 25 June 1951) is a Hindi film and television actor and has also worked in a few Marathi films.
- Satish Sharma
Satish C. Sharma (born 11 October 1947) is an Indian politician.
- Satish Kaul
Satish Kaul (born 8 September 1954), is a veteran Indian actor in both Punjabi and Hindi movies.
- Satish Alekar
Satish Vasant Alekar (born 30 January 1949) is a Marathi playwright, actor, and theatre director.
- Satish Menon
Satish Menon (born 3 October 1969 in Thrissur, Kerala) is an Indian first class cricketer.
- Patri Satish Kumar
- Satish Babu
Satish Babu (Sathees Babu Chellikattuveli Sivanandan, born: 1961) is a Free Software activist, early Internet advocate, and development professional based out of Kerala, India.
- Satish Rajwade
Satish Rajwade (born 9 January 1973) is an Indian Marathi film and television director and writer.
- Satish Hiremath
Satish Hiremath (born 1963 in Easton, Pennsylvania) is an American politician who was the Mayor of Oro Valley, Arizona.
- Satish Jain
Satish Parasmal Jain (18 August 1968) is a former candidate from Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) who was contesting from the North Mumbai (Mumbai North) constituency in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, which he lost getting 32,364 votes.
- Satish Mahana
Satish Mahana (born 14 October 1960) is an Indian politician and Member of 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th,15th,16th and 17th Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh.
- Satish Kumar Gautam
Satish Kumar (also known as Dushyant) is an Indian politician and a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
- Satish Gupta
Satish Chandra Gupta (born 5 September 1951) is a former Indian cricket umpire.
- Satish Chavan
Satish Bhanudasrao Chavan (born 26 January 1962) is a politician.
- Satish Upadhyay
Satish Upadhyay (born 6 March 1962) is the former President of the Delhi Unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Councillor from the Malviya Nagar's Ward No.
- Satish Acharya
Satish Acharya (Kannada: ಸತೀಶ್ ಆಚಾರ್ಯ) is an Indian cartoonist from Kundapura, Karnataka.
- V Satish
V Satish (Satish Velankar) is the National Joint General Secretary (Organisation) of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
- Satish Jarkiholi
Satish Laxmanrao Jarkiholi is an INC political activist and a Member of Karnataka Legislative Assembly representing the Yemakanmardi constituency.
- Satish Chandra Dwivedi
Dr Satish Chandra Dwivedi is an Indian politician and member of 17th Legislative Assembly of Siddharthnagar district, Uttar Pradesh of India.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Satish Numerology: Name Satish has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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