What does the name Sat mean? What is the meaning of the name Sat
Meaning of Sat: Name Sat in the Hindi origin, means The true or everlasting. Name Sat is of Hindi origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sat (Namesakes)
- Sat Bains
Satwant Singh "Sat" Bains (born 28 February 1971) is a British chef best known for being chef proprietor of the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms in Nottingham.
- Sat-B
Bizimana Aboubakar Karume (born 7 December 1982), popularly known by his stage name SAT-B, is an award winning Burundian recording artist, singer, songwriter, dancer and performer, Sat-B was born and bred Bujumbura city.
- David Satter
David A. Satter (born August 1, 1947) is an American journalist and historian who writes about Russia and the Soviet Union.
- Ted Sator
Ted Sator (born November 18, 1949) is an American professional ice hockey coach.
- Sat Bains
Satwant Singh "Sat" Bains (born 28 February 1971) is an English chef best known for being chef proprietor of the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms in Nottingham, England.
- Sat l'Artificier
Karim Haddouche (born 16 September 1975 in Marseille, France), more commonly known as Sat l'Artificier or Sat, is a French rapper of Algerian origin and is a member of the group Fonky Family.
- Sat-B
Bizimana Aboubakar Karume (born 7 December 1989), better known by his stage name SAT-B, is a Burundian musical artist and performer.
- Sat Prakash Yadav
Sat Prakash Yadav (born 2 April 1955) is a former head coach of the India national basketball team and was formerly the captain of the Indian men's team.
- Muneer Satter
Muneer A. Satter (born December 21, 1960) is an American investor and philanthropist.
- Beryl Satter
Beryl Satter (born January 14, 1959) is an American historian and a professor of history at Rutgers University.
- David Satter
David A. Satter (born August 1, 1947) is an American journalist and historian who writes about Russia and the Soviet Union.
- Ted Sator
Ted Sator (born November 18, 1949) is an American professional ice hockey coach.
- Sat Bains
Satwant Singh "Sat" Bains (born 28 February 1971) is an English chef best known for being chef proprietor of the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms in Nottingham, England.
- Sat l'Artificier
Karim Haddouche (born 16 September 1975 in Marseille, France), more commonly known as Sat l'Artificier or Sat, is a French rapper of Algerian origin and is a member of the group Fonky Family.
- Sat-B
Bizimana Aboubakar Karume (born 7 December 1989), better known by his stage name SAT-B, is a Burundian musical artist and performer.
- Sat Prakash Yadav
Sat Prakash Yadav (born 2 April 1955) is a former head coach of the India national basketball team and was formerly the captain of the Indian men's team.
- Muneer Satter
Muneer A. Satter (born December 21, 1960) is an American investor and philanthropist.
- Beryl Satter
Beryl Satter (born January 14, 1959) is an American historian and a professor of history at Rutgers University.
- David Satter
David A. Satter (born August 1, 1947) is an American journalist and historian who writes about Russia and the Soviet Union.
- Ted Sator
Ted Sator (born November 18, 1949) is an American professional ice hockey coach.
- Sat Bains
Satwant Singh "Sat" Bains (born 28 February 1971) is an English chef best known for being chef proprietor of the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms in Nottingham, England.
- Sat l'Artificier
Karim Haddouche (born 16 September 1975 in Marseille, France), more commonly known as Sat l'Artificier or Sat, is a French rapper of Algerian origin and is a member of the group Fonky Family.
- Sat-B
Bizimana Aboubakar Karume (born 7 December 1989), better known by his stage name SAT-B, is a Burundian musical artist and performer.
- Sat Prakash Yadav
Sat Prakash Yadav (born 2 April 1955) is a former head coach of the India national basketball team and was formerly the captain of the Indian men's team.
- Muneer Satter
Muneer A. Satter (born December 21, 1960) is an American investor and philanthropist.
- Beryl Satter
Beryl Satter (born January 14, 1959) is an American historian and a professor of history at Rutgers University.
- David Satter
David A. Satter (born August 1, 1947) is an American journalist and historian who writes about Russia and the Soviet Union.
- Ted Sator
Ted Sator (born November 18, 1949) is an American professional ice hockey coach.
- Sat Bains
Satwant Singh "Sat" Bains (born 28 February 1971) is an English chef best known for being chef proprietor of the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms in Nottingham, England.
- Sat l'Artificier
Karim Haddouche (born 16 September 1975 in Marseille, France), more commonly known as Sat l'Artificier or Sat, is a French rapper of Algerian origin and is a member of the group Fonky Family.
- Sat-B
Bizimana Aboubakar Karume (born 7 December 1989), better known by his stage name SAT-B, is a Burundian musical artist and performer.
- Sat Prakash Yadav
Sat Prakash Yadav (born 2 April 1955) is a former head coach of the India national basketball team and was formerly the captain of the Indian men's team.
- Muneer Satter
Muneer A. Satter (born December 21, 1960) is an American investor and philanthropist.
- Beryl Satter
Beryl Satter (born January 14, 1959) is an American historian and a professor of history at Rutgers University.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Sat Numerology: Name Sat has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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