What does the name Sassi mean? What is the meaning of the name Sassi
Meaning of Sassi: Name Sassi in the Arabic origin, means She who speaks the truth. Name Sassi is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sassi (Namesakes)
- Bruno Sassi
Bruno Sassi (born December 15, 1970) is an American professional wrestler best known for being a member of the tag team Phi Delta Slam, as well as his appearances in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.
- Sadok Sassi
Sadok Sassi (Arabic: الصادق ساسي), nicknamed "Attouga" (born 15 November 1945 in Tunis) is a former Tunisian footballer.
- Amos Sassi
Amos Sassi (Hebrew: עמוס סאסי, born January 29, 1979) is a retired Israeli footballer.
- Yossi Sassi
Yossi Sassi (Hebrew: יוסי סאסי), born February 5, 1975) is an Israeli guitarist and producer who merges traditional and contemporary music.
- Ferjani Sassi
Ferjani Sassi (Arabic: فرجاني ساسي; born 18 March 1992) is an Tunisian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Zamalek and the Tunisia national team.
- Sassi Boultif
Sassi Boultif (born 9 January 1983) is an Algerian handball player for Al-Nasr.
- Hayet Sassi
Hayet Sassi (original name: حياة ساسي, born (1982-10-24)24 October 1982) was a Tunisian female weightlifter, competing in the 63 kg category and representing Tunisia at international competitions.
- Ismail Sassi
Ismail Sassi (born 24 December 1991) is a French-born Tunisian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Greek club Lamia.
- Valentina Sassi
Valentina Sassi (born 12 July 1980) is a former professional tennis player from Italy.
- Mossaâb Sassi
Mossaâb Sassi(born 12 March 1990) is a Tunisian footballer who currently plays as a forward for Kairouan .
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Sassi Numerology: Name Sassi has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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