What does the name Sascha mean? What is the meaning of the name Sascha?
Meaning of Sascha: Name Sascha in the Nordic, German, Russian origin, means Defender of man. Name Sascha is of Nordic, German, Russian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sascha (Namesakes)
- Sascha Konietzko
Sascha Konietzko (born 21 June 1961), also known as Sascha K and Käpt'n K, is a German musician and record producer.
- Sascha Radetsky
Sascha Radetsky (born March 29, 1977) is a former ballet dancer and actor.
- Sascha Paeth
Sascha Paeth (born 9 September 1970 in Wolfsburg, West Germany) is a German guitarist, bassist, musical producer, and mixer known for working with heavy metal bands such as Avantasia, Edguy, Angra, Shaaman, Rhapsody of Fire, Kamelot, After Forever and Epica.
- Sascha Riether
Sascha Riether (German pronunciation: [ˈzaʃa ˈʁiːtɐ]; born 23 March 1983) is a former German professional footballer who played as a right-back.
- Sascha Gerstner
Sascha Gerstner (born 2 April 1977) is a German musician, producer and songwriter, best known as one of the guitarists and backing vocalists of power metal band Helloween since 2003.
- Sascha Jusufi
Sascha Jusufi (born 20 January 1963 as Saša Jusufi) is a retired German football player.
His father is Partizan Belgrade legend Fahrudin Jusufi.
- Sascha Siebert
Sascha Siebert (born November 28, 1977) is a German former footballer.
- Sascha Licht
Sascha Licht (born 27 September 1974 in Neustadt bei Coburg) is a former German footballer.
- Sascha Stulz
Sascha Stulz (born 3 June 1988 in Interlaken) is a Swiss professional footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for FC Schaffhausen .
- Sascha Lenhart
- Sascha Lense
Sascha Lense (born 5 October 1975) is a German football coach and former footballer.
- Sascha Zacharias
Sascha Zacharias (Stockholm, 23 February 1979) is a Swedish television and film actress who developed her acting career in Italy.
- Sascha Schünemann
Sascha Schünemann (born February 20, 1992) is a German footballer who plays for Hansa Rostock II.
- Sascha Horvath
Sascha Horvath (born 22 August 1996) is an Austrian footballer who currently plays for FC Wacker Innsbruck (2002) on loan from German 2.
- Sascha Bailey
Sascha Bailey (22 June 1994) is a British art curator and actor.
- Sascha Bajin
Aleksandar Bajin (born 4 October 1984) is a German tennis coach and former player of Serbian origin.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Sascha Numerology: Name Sascha has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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