What does the name Sardar mean? What is the meaning of the name Sardar
Meaning of Sardar: Name Sardar in the Arabic origin, means A commander. Name Sardar is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sardar (Namesakes)
- Sardar Muhammad Raza
Sardar Muhammad Raza (Urdu: سردار محمد رضا ) was Chief Election Commissioner from 6 December 2014 to 5 December 2019.
- Sardar Yaqoob Nasar
Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasar (Urdu: سردار محمد یعقوب خان نصر; born January 10, 1947 in Quetta) is a Pakistani politician and current Member of the Senate of Pakistan.
- Ziauddin Sardar
Ziauddin Sardar (Urdu: ضیاء الدین سردار; born 31 October 1951) is a British-Pakistani scholar, award-winning writer, cultural critic and public intellectual who specialises in Muslim thought, the future of Islam, futurology and science and cultural relations.
- Sardara Singh
Sardara Singh (born 15 July 1986) sometimes referred as Sardar Singh, is an Indian professional field hockey player and captain of the Indian national team.
- Sardar Biglari
Sardar Biglari (Persian: سردار بیگلری; born August 30, 1977) is an American entrepreneur and is the founder, chairman and CEO of Biglari Holdings, a holding company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BH. Biglari controls the Steak 'n Shake Company, First Guard Insurance, Maxim and the Western Sizzlin' corporation among others, which are subsidiaries of Biglari Holdings.
- Safar Sardar
Safar Sardar (born 17 May 1989 in Kolkata, West Bengal) is an Indian footballer who plays as a defender for Mohun Bagan A.C. in the I-League and Calcutta Premier Division.
- Sardar Azmoun
Sardar Azmoun (Persian: سردار آزمون; born 1 January 1995) is an Iranian professional footballer who plays for Russian club Zenit St.
- Mohammad Sardar
Mohammad Sardar (born 22 September 1999) is an Afghan cricketer.
- Sardar Ghulam Mustafa Khan Tareen
Sardar Ghulam Mustafa Khan Tareen is a Pakistani politician who was a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, from May 2013 to May 2018.He died on 21 April 2020 due to covid-19.
- Rafique Ali Sardar
- Sheikh Sardar Hajjihasanli
Sheikh Sardar Hajjihasanli (Azerbaijani: Şeyx Sərdar Hacıhəsənli) or Sardar Akif oglu Babayev (Azerbaijani: Sərdar Akif oğlu Babayev) is an Azerbaijani cleric, religious figure, member of the Azerbaijani Cleric Association, founder and editor-in-chief of Maide.az news website, expert and researcher of Islamic Studies.
- Muhammad Sardar
Muhammad Sardar (born 2 March 1944) is a Pakistani wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Sardar Numerology: Name Sardar has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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