What does the name Sarah mean? What is the meaning of the name Sarah?
Meaning of Sarah: Name Sarah in the Hebrew origin, means Princess. Name Sarah is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sarah (Namesakes)
- Sarah Drew
Sarah White Drew (born October 1, 1980) is an American actress.
- Sarah McLachlan
Sarah Ann McLachlan (born January 28, 1968) is a Canadian singer-songwriter known for her emotional ballads and mezzo-soprano vocal range.
- Sarah Brightman
Sarah Brightman (born 14 August 1960) is an English classical crossover soprano, singer, songwriter, actress, dancer and musician.
- Sarah Chalke
Sarah Chalke (; born August 27, 1976) is a Canadian actress, model and voice artist.
- Sarah Wright
Sarah Fay Wright Olsen (born September 28, 1983) is an American actress who has appeared in several films and TV series.
- Sarah Silverman
Sarah Kate Silverman (born December 1, 1970) is an American stand-up comedian, actress, singer, producer, and writer.
- Sarah Clarke
Sarah Clarke (born February 16, 1972) is an American actress, best known for her role as Nina Myers on 24, and also for her roles as Renée Dwyer, Bella Swan's mother, in the 2008 film Twilight, Erin McGuire on the short-lived TV show Trust Me, and CIA Agent Lena Smith on the USA Network show Covert Affairs.
- Sarah Shahi
Aahoo Jahansouz "Sarah" Shahi (Persian: آهو جهانسوز سارا شاهی; born January 10, 1980) is an American television actress and former NFL Cheerleader of Iranian and Spanish ancestry.
- Sarah Paulson
Sarah Catharine Paulson (born December 17, 1974) is an American actress.
- Sarah Palin
Sarah Louise Palin ( (listen); née Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, author, and reality television personality, who served as the ninth governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009.
- Sarah Lancaster
Sarah Lancaster (born February 12, 1980) is an American actress.
- Sarah Millican
Sarah Jane Millican (née King; born 29 May 1975) is an English comedian.
- Sarah Roemer
Sarah Christine Roemer (born August 28, 1984) is an American actress and model.
- Sarah Hyland
Sarah Jane Hyland (born November 24, 1990) is an American actress.
- Sarah Rafferty
Sarah Gray Rafferty (born December 6, 1972) is an American actress.
- Sarah Sutherland
Sarah Jude Sutherland (born February 18, 1988) is an American actress known for her role as Catherine Meyer in Veep.
- Sarah Jeffery
Sarah Marie Jeffery (born April 3, 1996) is a Canadian actress, singer and dancer.
- Sarah Levy
Sarah Levy (born September 10, 1986) is a Canadian actress, best known for her role in Schitt's Creek as Twyla Sands.
- Sarah Logan
Sarah Rowe (née Bridges) (born September 10, 1993) is an American professional wrestler who is currently a free agent.
- Sarah Sanders
Sarah Elizabeth Sanders (née Huckabee; born August 13, 1982) is an American campaign manager and political adviser who served as White House Press Secretary under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sarah Numerology: Name Sarah has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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