What does the name Saori mean? What is the meaning of the name Saori
Meaning of Saori: Name Saori in the Japanese origin, means Color of sand. Name Saori is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Saori (Namesakes)
- Saori Seto
Saori Seto (世戸 さおり, Seto Saori, born September 3, 1982) is a Japanese voice actress from Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
- Saori Yoshida
Saori Yoshida (吉田 沙保里, Yoshida Saori, born 5 October 1982) is a former Japanese freestyle wrestler.
- Saori Minami
Saori Minami (南 沙織, Minami Saori) (Real Name: Akemi Shinoyama (篠山 明美), née, Akemi Uchima (内間 明美); Christian Name: Cynthia) was born in Okinawa on July 2, 1954 to Japanese parents.
- Saori Gotō
Saori Gotō (後藤 沙緒里, Gotō Saori, born January 8, 1987 in Yokohama) is a Japanese voice actress and singer.
- Saori Yamamoto
Saori Yamamoto (山本早織, Yamamoto Saori, born November 16, 1985) is a Japanese gravure idol from Tokyo, Japan.
- Saori Kimura
Saori Kimura (木村 沙織, Kimura Saori, born August 19, 1986) is a Japanese volleyball player who played for Toray Arrows.
- Saori Atsumi
Saori Atsumi (アツミ サオリ, Atsumi Saori) is a Japanese singer-songwriter.
- Saori (television personality)
Saori (Japanese: 張 佐緖里, Korean: 장은주, Hanja: 張恩珠), born May 19, 1981, is a third-generation Japanese-born Korean who gained fame through guest appearances on KBS's Global Beauties Chat (미녀들의 수다).
- Saori Sakoda
Saori Sakoda (迫田さおり Sakoda Saori, born December 18, 1987) is a Japanese volleyball player who played for Toray Arrows.
- Saori Hayami
Saori Hayami (早見 沙織, Hayami Saori, born May 29, 1991) is a Japanese voice actress, singer and narrator.
- Saori Hara
Saori Hara (Japanese: 原 紗央莉, Hepburn: Hara Saori, born January 1, 1988) is a former Japanese AV idol, model and actress who has also used the name Mai Nanami (七海 まい, Nanami Mai) and most recently Miyabi Matsunoi or Miyavi Matsunoi (松野井 雅, Matsunoi Miyabi).
- Saori Ishioka
Saori Ishioka (石岡 沙織, Ishioka Saori, born on (1987-09-13)September 13, 1987) is a Japanese female mixed martial artist, kickboxer and karateka.
- Saori Yuki
Saori Yuki (由紀さおり, Yuki Saori, born November 13, 1948) is a Japanese singer and actress.
- Saori Ōnishi
Saori Ōnishi (大西 沙織, Ōnishi Saori, born August 6, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress from Chiba Prefecture who is affiliated with I'm Enterprise.
- Saori Nagamine
Saori Nagamine (永峰 沙織, Nagamine Saori, born July 5, 1993) is a Japanese competitive archer.
- Saori Inagaki
Saori Inagaki (稲垣 早織, Inagaki Saori, born (1990-02-19)19 February 1990) was a Japanese group rhythmic gymnast.
- Saori Ozaki
- Saori Suzuki
Saori Suzuki (鈴木 沙織, Suzuki Saori, born 9 January 1990) is a Japanese freestyle skier.
- Saori Arimachi
Saori Arimachi (有町 紗央里, Arimachi Saori, born July 12, 1988) is a Japanese football player.
- Saori Takarada
Saori Takarada (宝田 沙織, Takarada Saori, born 27 December 1999) is a Japanese football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Saori Numerology: Name Saori has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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