Top Sanskrit Baby Girl Names Starting With G

Searching for the ideal Sanskrit baby Girl name starting with G? Explore our curated list of top Sanskrit baby Girl names that starts with G and find the perfect one for your little one. Use The ParentZ Baby Name Finder to discover Sanskrit Girl names starting with G, along with their meanings, for your newborn or expected baby.

Sanskrit Baby Names For Girls Starting With G


Woman from Gandhara; Gandhari was the princess of the Gandhara Kingdom and a key figure in the Hindu epic the Mahabharata.


Glacier where the Indian River Ganga originates; Sacred River Of India; Name of Glacier from which River Ganges originates; One of many names of Goddess Parvathi


Pretty one and charming person like a holy cow; Fair, Cow coloured


Garden of God


Bhagwad Gita, A holy Book Of Hindus; Song; Divine Melody, lyric, poem; A variant spelling is Geeta


Bhagwad Gita, A holy Book Of Hindus


An intelligent woman.


Gaurangi is a composition of two words. Gau which means cow and rangi which means color. Gaurangi means a girl whos color is like cow.; A Fair Complexioned


girl with milk white color. A sign of beauty.Highest


The one who will be adventures and independent. Love the leadership and guide others.


They are of idealistic nature with a desire to help others. The initiative often causes them to be the first to act when you see a need


This is the name of knowledge and generosity, which will get the popularity and fame.


They are physically strong personalities but can never be fully satisfied with anyone.


Friend of the Guru

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