What does the name Sandu mean? What is the meaning of the name Sandu
Meaning of Sandu: Name Sandu means Keeps mankind secure and safe. Name Sandu is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sandu (Namesakes)
- Mircea Sandu
Mircea Traian Sandu (born 22 October 1952 in Bucharest) is a retired Romanian footballer and president of the Romanian Football Federation.
- Sandu Negrean
Sandu Negrean (born 25 November 1974) is a Romanian former football forward.
- Florin Sandu
Florin Sandu (born 3 September 1987 in Iași) is a Romanian former footballer.
- Sandu Tăbârcă
Sandu Tăbârcă, sometimes written Tăbîrcă, (born 11 July 1965 in Romania) is a retired football player and current manager.
- Valentin Sandu
Valentin Sandu (born 28 February 1983) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a left back for Liga IV club Petrolul 95 Ploiești.
- Raluca Sandu
Raluca Sandu (born 3 February 1980) is a Romanian retired tennis player.
- Maia Sandu
Maia Sandu (born 24 May 1972) is a Moldovan politician, the current leader of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), and former Prime Minister of Moldova (from 8 June 2019 until 14 November 2019).
- Florin Sandu (lawyer)
Florin Sandu (Romanian pronunciation: flo'rin san'du, born February 24, 1949) is a former judoka and a former chief of the Romanian Police.
- Roco Sandu
Roco Sandu (born 30 July 1966) is a former Romanian professional footballer.
- Sandu Ciorăscu
Sandu Ciorăscu (born September 11, 1966) in Bârlad, is a former Romanian rugby union football player.
- Mihaela Sandu
Mihaela Sandu (born 19 February 1977) is a Romanian chess player who holds the title of Woman Grandmaster (WGM, 2008).
- Sandu Iovu
- Mihai Gruia Sandu
Mihai Gruia Sandu (born 1956) is a Romanian actor, playwright and director.
- Sandu Mitrofan
Sandu Mitrofan (born 8 October 1952) is a Romanian bobsledder.
- Constantin Sandu
- Iddris Sandu
Iddris Sandu was raised in Harbor City, Los Angeles, California.
- Adrian Sandu
Adrian Sandu (born 19 October 1966) is a Romanian gymnast.
- Bianca Sandu
Bianca Sandu (born 22 April 1992) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Romania women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Sandu Numerology: Name Sandu has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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