What does the name Sandrine mean? What is the meaning of the name Sandrine?
Meaning of Sandrine: Name Sandrine in the Greek, French origin, means Guardian of mankind. Name Sandrine is of Greek, French origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sandrine (Namesakes)
- Sandrine Ilendou
Sandrine Ilendou (born November 19, 1983) is a Gabonese judoka, who played for the extra-lightweight category.
- Sandrine Blancke
Sandrine Blancke (born 6 November 1978) is a Belgium French actress.
- Sandrine Quétier
Sandrine Quétier (born 30 December 1970) is a French television presenter.
- Sandrine Gruda
Sandrine Gruda (born 25 June 1987) is a French professional basketball player for PF Schio.
- Sandrine Holt
Sandrine Claire Holt (born Sandrine Vanessa Ho; 19 November 1972) is a British-born Canadian model and actress.
- Sandrine Bonnaire
Sandrine Bonnaire ([sɑ̃.dʁin bɔ.nɛʁ]; born 31 May 1967) is a French actress, film director and screenwriter who has appeared in more than 40 films.
- Sandrine Kiberlain
Sandrine Kiberlain (born Sandrine Kiberlajn; 25 February 1968) is a French actress and singer.
- Sandrine Testud
Sandrine Testud (born 3 April 1972) is a former professional tennis player from France.
- Sandrine Piau
Sandrine Piau (born 5 June 1965) is a French soprano.
- Sandrine Soubeyrand
Sandrine Soubeyrand (born 16 August 1973) is a French former footballer and current coach of France women's national under-17 football team.
- Sandrine Pinna
Sandrine Pinna (Chinese: 張榕容; pinyin: Zhāng Róngróng; Wade–Giles: Chang1 Jung2-jung2; born 10 April 1987) is a Taiwanese actress who started her career as a child actress and appeared in many advertisements.
- Sandrine Bideau
Sandrine Bideau (born 12 April 1989) is a road cyclist from France.
- Sandrine Delerce
Sandrine Delerce (born 26 April 1975) is a French handball player.
- Sandrine Vaucher
Sandrine Vaucher (born 20 August 1971) is a Swiss freestyle skier.
- Sandrine Bérubé
Sandrine Bérubé (born February 5, 1999) is a Canadian 4.5 point wheelchair basketball player who has represented Quebec at both the junior and senior levels.
- Sandrine Jaquet
Sandrine Jaquet (born 14 April 1971) is a Swiss former professional tennis player.
- Sandrine Paquier
Sandrine Paquier (born 28 February 1977) is a Swiss swimmer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sandrine Numerology: Name Sandrine has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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