What does the name Sandi mean? What is the meaning of the name Sandi
Meaning of Sandi: Name Sandi in the Greek origin, means Defends others. Name Sandi is of Greek origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Sandi (Namesakes)
- Sandi Čeh
- Sandi Arčon
- Sandi Bowen
Sandi Bowen (born 12 February 1976 in Melbourne) was an Australian female volleyball player.
- Sandi Papež
Sandi Papež (born 25 February 1965) is a Yugoslav former cyclist.
- Sandi Ogrinec
Sandi Ogrinec (born 5 June 1998) is a Slovenian football player who plays for Bravo.
- Sandi Toksvig
Sandra Birgitte Toksvig, (, Danish pronunciation: [ˈsænti ˈtsʰʌksˌviˀ]; born 3 May 1958) is a British-Danish writer, comedian, broadcaster, actor, and producer on British radio, stage, and television.
- Sandi Patty
Sandra Faye "Sandi" Patty (born July 12, 1956) is an American Christian music singer, known for her wide soprano vocal range and expressive flexibility, which has led music critics to dub her "The Voice".
- Sandi Cenov
Aleksandar "Sandi" Cenov (born 17 July 1968), also known simply as Sandi, is Croatian pop singer who was popular in the 1990s.
- Sandi Thom
Alexandria "Sandi" Thom () (born 11 August 1981) is a Scottish singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Banff, Scotland.
- Sandi Jackson
Sandra Lee Jackson (née Stevens; born September 14, 1963) is an American politician.
- Sandi Čebular
Sandi Čebular (born 24 June 1986) is a Slovenian professional basketball player who last played for CB Breogán of the Liga Española de Baloncesto.
- Sandi Valentinčič
Sandi Valentinčič (born 25 August 1967) is a former Slovenian football midfielder and the current manager of ND Bilje.
- Constantine Sandis
Constantine Sandis, FRSA (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Σάνδης; born 1 October 1976) is a Greek and British philosopher working on philosophy of action, moral psychology, David Hume, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
- Sandi Lovrić
Sandi Lovrič (born 28 March 1998) is an Austrian professional footballer of Slovenian descent who currently plays as a midfielder for Swiss side FC Lugano.
- Sandi Morris
Sandi Morris (born July 8, 1992) is an American pole vault record holder.
- Sandi Darma Sute
Sandi Darma Sute (born on September 21, 1992) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defensive midfielder for Persija Jakarta in the Liga 1.
- Hendra Sandi
Hendra Sandi Gunawan (born 10 February 1995) is an Indonesian footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Persela Lamongan.
- Mi Sandi
Mi Sandi (Burmese: မိစန္ဒီ) (born 8 June 1990) is a Burmese musician, actress and businesswoman.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sandi Numerology: Name Sandi has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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