What does the name Samuele mean? What is the meaning of the name Samuele
Meaning of Samuele: Name Samuele in the Italian origin, means The God has heard your words. Name Samuele is of Italian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Samuele (Namesakes)
- Samuele Bertinelli
Samuele Bertinelli (born 21 March 1976) is an Italian politician.
- Samuele Bersani
Samuele Bersani (born 1 October 1970, Rimini, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter.
- Samuele Dalla Bona
Samuele "Sam" Dalla Bona (born 6 February 1981) is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Samuele Preisig
Samuele Preisig (born 5 April 1984) is a footballer from Switzerland who currently plays as defender for AC Lugano since 25 January 2008.
- Samuele Papi
Samuele Papi (born May 20, 1973) is an Italian former volleyball player, a member of Italy men's national volleyball team in 1993-2012, silver and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games, multiple winner of the European Championship and World Championship, silver medalist of the World Cup 2003, three-time CEV Champions League winner, double CEV Cup winner, four-time Challenge Cup winner, six-time Italian Champion.
- Samuele Romanini
Samuele Romanini (born 22 September 1976) is an Italian bobsledder who has competed since 2001.
- Samuele Romeo
Samuele Romeo (born 6 March 1989) is an Italian professional football player.
- Samuele Beretta
Samuele Beretta (born 5 August 1990) is an Italian footballer who plays as a forward for ASD Borgaro Nobis 1965.
- Samuele Longo
- Samuele Pizza
Samuele Pizza (born 5 September 1988) is an Italian footballer who plays for AC Fucecchio as a central midfielder.
- Samuele Conti
Samuele Conti (born 14 September 1991) is an Italian professional racing cyclist, who is currently suspended from the sport.
- Samuele Campo
- Samuele Birindelli
Samuele Birindelli (born 19 July 1999) is an Italian footballer who plays as a defender for Pisa.
- Samuele Damiani
Samuele Damiani (born 30 January 1998) is an Italian football player.
- Samuele Perisan
Samuele Perisan (born 21 August 1997) is an Italian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Udinese.
- Samuele Parlati
Samuele Parlati (born 5 February 1997) is an Italian football player.
- Samuele Sereni
Samuele Sereni (born 5 January 1988) is an Italian footballer who plays as a defender for Serie C side Arezzo.
- Samuele Battistella
Samuele Battistella (born 14 November 1998) is an Italian cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam NTT Pro Cycling.
- Samuele Cerro
Samuele Cerro (born 21 March 1995) is an Italian triple jumper.
- Samuele Ricci
Samuele Ricci (born 21 August 2001) is an Italian football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Samuele Numerology: Name Samuele has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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