What does the name Sammy mean? What is the meaning of the name Sammy
Meaning of Sammy: Name Sammy in the Hebrew origin, means A sun child. Name Sammy is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Sammy (Namesakes)
- Sammy Sosa
Samuel Kelvin Peralta Sosa (born November 12, 1968) is a Dominican American former professional baseball right fielder who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for 19 seasons, primarily with the Chicago Cubs.
- Sammy Gravano
Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano (born March 12, 1945) is an Italian-American former underboss of the Gambino crime family.
- Sammy Hagar
Samuel Roy Hagar (born October 13, 1947), also known as The Red Rocker, is an American rock vocalist, songwriter, musician, and entrepreneur.
- Sammy Winward
Samantha Kate Winward (born 12 October 1985) is an English actress, singer and model.
- DJ Sammy
Samuel Bouriah (born 19 October 1969), better known by his stage name DJ Sammy, is a Spanish DJ and record producer.
- Sammy Kershaw
Samuel Paul Kershaw (born February 24, 1958) is an American country music artist.
- Sammy Nelson
Samuel Nelson (born 1 April 1949) is a former footballer who played as a left back in the Football League for Arsenal and Brighton & Hove Albion.
- Sammy Nestico
Sammy Nestico (born Samuel Louis Nistico, February 6, 1924) is an American composer and arranger.
- Darren Sammy
Daren Julius Garvey Sammy (born 20 December 1983) is a Saint Lucian cricketer who played international cricket for the West Indies.
- Sammy Leung
Sammy Leung Chi Kin is an actor under TVB, DJ, singer, and host for Commercial Radio Hong Kong.
- Sammy Siegler
Sammy Siegler (born March 21, 1973) is an American rock drummer, notable for his many contributions to the New York hardcore scene.
- Sammy J
Sam McMillan (born 2 July 1983) is an Australian musical comedian, satirist, and writer who performs under the stage name Sammy J.
- Sammy Glenn
Samantha Glenn (born 11 August 1983) is an English actress.
- Sammy Sheik
Sammy Sheik (born November 15, 1981) is an Egyptian actor.
- Sammy Adams
Samuel Adams Wisner (born August 14, 1987) is an American rapper, singer and songwriter.
- Sammy Ameobi
Samuel Oluwaseyi Jesutoromo Ameobi (born 1 May 1992) is a professional footballer who plays as a winger for Championship club Nottingham Forest.
- Sammy Watkins
Samuel Benjamin Watkins IV (born June 14, 1993) is an American football wide receiver for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL).
- Sammy Sum
Sammy Sum Chun-hin (born 4 May 1983) is a Hong Kong actor.
- Sammy Wilk
Sammy Wilk (born Samuel Howard Wilkinson; December 11, 1995) is an American internet personality, singer-songwriter and entrepreneur.
- Sammy Guevara
Sammy Guevara (born July 28, 1993) is a Cuban-American professional wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Sammy Numerology: Name Sammy has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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